𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧. the perfect girl unravels

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"If you're telling me the truth, Emilia, I don't really understand one thing."

"What?" Emilia asked quietly, her gaze fixed on the table.

"You're telling me that Samuel and Marina had broken up before the charity gala."

Emilia didn't respond. A horrible forethought entered her head, but she gripped onto her dress and tried not to think of the worst.

"So, if they had already broken up - what motivation could you possibly have for telling the whole class that Marina had HIV?"

In a split second, the blonde forgot how to breathe. An invisible heavy weight started pressing into her chest, and she knew that her game was over.

"Why did you do it, Emilia?"

"Because she ruined my life," the blonde hissed. Being careful didn't make sense anymore; the inspector probably knew everything the blonde had done.

The good, the bad and the worst.



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Emilia had expected a lot from her father after the charity gala. She was not surprised when one morning, she found a note on the kitchen table next to her prepared breakfast - yogurt with strawberries and organic müsli - with a date of her new first practice. She gritted her teeth, packed her running shoes every morning with her school bag and went to practice four times a week. She was allowed to have free Friday nights.

Emilia hated the track team. Everyone was taking it so seriously, like her teammates' sole purpose was to run. Maybe it really was, but it wasn't so for Emilia. Besides, she was horribly out of shape. She dreaded going to practice – the girls were not talking to her, a part of it was her seeming rich and distant, a part of it was that she couldn't keep up and she slowed down the training. "Money can't buy everything, huh," she heard the girls muttering mockingly under their breaths.

She just ignored them, forced her fingernails into the skin of her palms until she'd bleed and went to the coach to get an extra conditioning plan. She knew that her only chance of making things better for herself at the track team was earning the girls' respect by beating them. So she did gazillions of jumping jacks, crunches, planks and lunges every day at night, and then she started going on runs before school. She started studying during every lunch break, much to the dismay of Carla, who demanded her attention. "Emilia, I miss eye contact! The only thing you ever look at is a book!"

"I'm sorry, I won't have time to study after school," Emilia would mutter, frantically copying Physics notes into her composition book. "I have my first track meet in two weeks."

𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦, eliteWhere stories live. Discover now