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Harry was a nervous wreck. The hunt for Fenrir Greyback had been dragging on for days now. They had visited the village where Greyback had been seen, sniffed around for about two days until finding his tracks in the woods three hours away from the village. They scouted the woods all day before finally finding him just before midnight.

He was resting, sound asleep in a hammock hanging between two tall trees.

The Aurors were tired and sleep-deprived, yet they still decided to seize their chance.

"Tonight is a full moon." Luthor Goodwin, the senior Aurors said quietly to the group. "Our objective is to catch him before then."

They all nodded in agreement. It was only minutes away from midnight. They would have to move really quick.

The twelve Aurors split into two groups and circled the woods from east and west to surround Greyback. They move as quietly and quickly as possible, Greyback showing no sign of waking up. For a second, Harry believed everything would go smoothly.

But suddenly the wind blew from behind, driving their scent directly towards the sleeping werewolf.

Fenrir Greyback rose from his hammock, baring his teeth. He quickly discovered the Aurors surrounding him.

"Damn it! Capture him!" Luthor yelled, losing all composure. "Stupefy!"

The rest followed suit, raising their wands and throwing spells at the werewolf.

Greyback took off running deeper into the woods as he dodged the spells with stealth one hadn't expected from a man of his size.

"Follow him!" Luthor bellowed leading the charges. Harry and Ron hot on his trail.

Harry was surprised when Ron ran past him and Luthor, quicker than Harry had ever seen before all the while firing three non-verbal spells in quick succession. The first two missed, hitting trees creating little sparks of fire before it burned out. But the last one hit Greyback right in the back. The werewolf roared in pain as he fell facedown to the ground.

"Weasley." Luthor and Harry finally caught up to Ron, smacking him lightly on the shoulder. "Nice job."

"Yeah, nice job, Ron." Harry said.

Ron grinned at him in a mischievous way that Harry had never seen before.

"Alright, let's bring him in."

The Aurors made their way to the unconscious figure. But before they could reach him, Fenrir's body started to shake and twitch.

Harry looked up, the bright light of the full moon peeking through the tree leaves. "Merlin beard!" They were too late.

Fenrir's body lengthened and his shoulder widened until his clothes ripped off his body. Sharp claws grew from his paws as he craned his neck and howled. The man who had looked like a beast now truly was one.

He stood up so fast and leaped at Ron who stood directly in front of him.

Harry's brain was slow to process all of the events. It all seemed like a slow-moving film. The first second Fenrir Greyback was on the ground and the next he was on top of Ron, his razor-like teeth sinking into Ron's neck.


His best friend's cry of pain finally snapped him back to reality.


Rays of spells hit Greyback again, throwing him off Ron. The werewolf licked his bloodied mouth, flashing an evil grin at Harry before running fast on all four away from them and into the darkness of the wood.

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