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To: The Office for Magic Relations and Education of Magical Congress of the United States of America.

My name is Hermione Granger. I'm a British citizen, currently residing in America on visitation permit for a six month period. The reason for my visitation, as I had enclosed in my entry application, was to confirm the fact that I have estranged biological family residing in Forks, Washington.

During this time, I have evidence to prove that Charlie and Isabella Swan are biologically related to me. I've enclosed the result of the DNA Test within this letter.

I am writing to you today to formally petition for an extended stay and to disclose information of Wizarding World to my family. As of today, I have not informed them yet, even though they are my immediate family and it is within my right. I respect the order of MACUSA and would like to do this the proper way. If you would be more comfortable sending in an Auror for the job, please let me know.

Hope to hear soon,

Hermione Granger.


"Morning." Hermione smiled at Bella who just entered the dining room. "I made French toast. Want some?"

"Yeah, thanks." Bella sat down, barely looking at her.

Hermione sighed as she piled the toast and drizzled maple syrup onto Bella's plate. Things between them had been awkward these past few days, but she hoped to hear from MACUSA soon.

They sat down and ate their breakfast in quiet when a car horn blared from the front of their house.

Charlie looked through the window overlooking the driveway and found Edward's car. "I think your boyfriend's here."

"What's he doing here?" Bella grumbled. She hadn't asked him to pick them up. She had been driving herself and Hermione to school for the last week. It was uncomfortable, but she rather have that than seeing Edward and Hermione act all friendly.

"He probably misses you." Hermione offered.

Bella chewed her lip. As much as she was still mad at her boyfriend, she couldn't deny how much she missed him too.

Finally, she sighed. "Alright, let's go"

"Actually, you go. I was hoping Charlie can drive me to school."

"What, me?" Charlie asked in surprise, almost choked on his coffee.

Hermione nodded. "You were telling me yesterday about the fishing trip with your friend, Billy. I want to hear more."

"Really?" Charlie and Bella asked at the same time. Charlie with gleaming eyes, Bella with a frown.


"You really want to hear about some boring fishing trip? You know they sat on a boat for hours waiting for a fish to bite right? That's all there is to it." Bella said.

"I'm sure there's more to it." Hermione replied, cutting off her toast. "I've been meaning to learn how to fish for some time now. So, when I heard about your fishing trip, I thought, hey, perfect timing."

Bella still stared at her in confusion and disbelief, what teenage girl would be interested in fishing?

"You'd better get going." Hermione made jabbing motions with her fork toward the window.

"R−right." Bella munched down her breakfast quickly then went out the door after saying goodbye.

"You don't mind driving me to school, do you?" Hermione asked after the Volvo drove away. "I'm sorry, I should have asked before, I know it's a little out of your way to the station. It's just Isabella and Edward haven't been spending time together lately, and I thought it would be a great idea to give them some space. I just−"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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