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Katalina's outfit

Katalina's outfit

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I shot up from my bed, sweating and breathing heavily

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I shot up from my bed, sweating and breathing heavily. Oh god it's was just a dream! I soon calmed down a bit after seeing that I was the only one in my bed and no one else. But just in case I looked around the whole cabin for safety. Why would I suddenly dream about Duncan?! Do I like- wait how did I get in my bed? That's when the panic attacked my body going into full defensive mood. In the corner of my eye, a piece of paper was folded neatly on my nightstand. I picked it up and read the note.


I figured sleeping on the ground wasn't the best option for you to sleep on, so I carried you to your room. Breakfast is on the table in the living room, I figured after making you go through hell of not sleeping for days this would make up for it..

Love Dad

After I was done reading the note, there on the living room table was pancakes, a fruit salad, a glass of apple juice and a pink rose in a small vase. Since when did my father, the father with no soul and is the devil, make me breakfast in bed? And when did he ever say love? This has to be some sort of evil genius plan to get me on his "good" side, it didn't stop me from taking the offering and having the best, quite breakfast without having anyone to annoy me. After I was done with breakfast, I went and took a hot, long ass shower. I need a break and a shower. When I was done showering, I got dressed and headed to the Main Lodge. Everyone was still grumpy, angry, tired and frustrated. Duncan walks in the room, looking like he hadn't gotten sleep in months. I placed a kiss on Dad's cheek and smiled. He sorta took it by surprised. "Thanks for breakfast and for last night..."

"Oh you're welcome... Duncan. You look like crap, dude."

"Stuff it McLean!" He snapped, Courtney sat her seat all groom and tired. "Harold snored all night."

Dad laughs, knowing damn well he's enjoying this. "Wow. Four nights with no sleep? How much are you hurting, dude?"

"Wanna find out?!" Duncan threatens, Dad puts his hands up in retreat. "No, no, it's cool. It's cool." Then everything stops, Harold walks in the room and each team starts laughing. I was ready to pee my pants from laughing so hard. Harold looked at us, annoyed. "Okay, what?!"

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