"False Hope"

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Did we kill in order to obtain peace?
Did we claim victory to succeed more in slaughtering?
Did we ever atone to our unforgivable sins?
What were we thinking when we strike the first final blow?
Did you ever thought that we kill one of our own?
What do we get in return?
A throne or crown?
Did we all did that to ruin?
The last humanity source that could ever existed
We kill blood for blood?
Eye for eye
You foolish swines!
Do you ever listen to the ruler!
The lord himself said that we were created as one!
Not to destroy each other cause we were brothers in the first glimpse of light that we were born
So what were the meaning of,
"Brother-In-Arms" for?
Those were the sayings during war that we should be human sarcifice in order to obtain peace
Did you ever thought that what if?
The one you shot could be your long last relative?
Were you not that competent enough to think better!?
Did we kill just for the governments satisfication of gambling!
Or we're we just trapped in a monopoly nightmare?
Where the greediness of a country wants more
Wealth, dumb triump, broken twisted lies that was fed to the humanity!
What did we gain?
A total pain.
A die of vain.
We are not heroes that the country thinks!
We are murderers killing one innocent's life who second doubt to kill first!
We are sadly brainwashed by the governments greediness, in a world of gambling
They gamble our lives and death
To obtain nothing but stupid, ignorant, arrogant self-beliefs!
So don't jump and take advantage of one clueless fellow soldier whose just lost as you
Because the world is too cruel to fed us
Lies that sugarcoats the bitterness of the truth.
We scream,
We fight,
We lose a brother,
We cry,
We never get the chance to return home from this horrible ending of a war
All this we sacrifice ourselves as a joke infront of each other's regretful faces
And this is the False Hope in a cruel battlefield
and a soldiers worst nightmare
To kill one of himself.
The purpose in war was never clear
But the only objective was, to survive and eat the traumatizing memory as a veteran
In this I stop writing the realization
And held my gun
For there was no more returning
It's either kill yourself for your unforgivable sin
To avenge your non-enemies
I'm a fool to believe that there will be ever peace in this world
Since we're all just puppets-in-strings held by the governemts
And the stage has begun
To show colorful and stupid lie to the
They cover up the reason why my
brother-in-arms bled
So I beg for the future soldiers,
To not throw a grenade
This is the corrupted hope we died for.

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