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In a constant fear, I have lost my vision
Of how the world really looks
A colorless world
Filled with sadness and emptiness
I have envy the people who can see the rainbows
While all I can see is the thunder that looks so pale and angry in the inside
Screaming of agony
Never yet to see how beautiful the world is
I can't see the light colors of my own
This world needs a painter
A hero who can make a picasso art
To color the dead
To give life to the meaningless
To give soul to a soulless
To complete the unfinished
Oh so beautiful world, when can I see your true colors?
I don't know how to imagine what you look like
Cause it's all black and white
I have a dead world that has no colors to shine,
In this I kept waiting to see the colors again
That I have yet to discover
So lend me another pair of eyes
To see what the world really looks like from the outside
Or I'd rather disappear than die without getting the chance what the skies, clouds and rainbows looks like.
So please let me see what tomorrow looks like in a bright light in a depressed world.
I'm floating in my wildest thoughts of how the world could really look like
And I have tried to picture it
And a tear have shed rolling down in my cheeks
Of how perfect the world is

deadly flowerWhere stories live. Discover now