Mothers blood sweat and tears

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You were carried inside the tummy for 9 months and she had to take the pain within her even if she doesnt need to, mothers nowadays use abortion so that they dont have to deal with custody or having a child
we're lucky that we have the most loving and caring mothers in the world, where they sacrifice us throughout the painful 9 months us inside the tummy.

She was beauty, when all dark comes after her
She was like the first blooming flower petal that came out from a cherry blossom
She was there when no one can
Shes art who painted our life with purpose and beautiful meaning to live
She created us
She taught us love
She is tough when shes crying inside
She stands taller than the liberty statue
She rises up to protect you at all cost
She was lovely
She will risk her life for you to live another day
She was the last of I could ever imagine
She was the only person who is my first aid that heals my wounds
She is my mother
My hero
Who gave me her blood
Who have cried for me in blue tears
Who have run out and find me in the woods in sweat

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