The return Pt.1

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Darkness, Depression, and Pain
Try to harm me
Their attempts are in vain
They have no effect on me.

Ah perfect timing,
The train arrives
I love to rhyme
When wanting to take lives

Time to contemplate
To form a plan
I built up hate
But alas, the day is at hand.

Trainmaster: Tickets, Tickets please. Have your tickets ready. Ah a one-way ticket to Ponyville eh. What's an alicorn like yourself got planned there? And, I hope you don't mind me asking but, what's with the cloak?

Jinx: I have a friend in Ponyville. I haven't seen her for a long while. I plan to speak with her about a problem. The cloak is because of my appearance.

T.M.: Oh come on you can't look that bad.

Jinx: Sir, I'm sure you have only good intentions but I wish to be left alone right now.

T.M.: Right, sorry to bother you. Have a nice day.

Jinx: You as well.

Three hours and the train is barely halfway to Ponyville. I still have another 3½ hours and no way to kill time. Hmm. I wonder. I head to the front of the car exit it and climb on to the roof. I then ran forward, and jumped from car to car til I reached the steam engine. I snuck up behind the conductor and hit em on the head. I then put the train into full speed. I then put put a spell on the train so it would slow down when we were close to Ponyville. I set an alarm for the conductor so he would wake up when we reached Ponyville to stop the train.
This made the trip back a little bit more difficult but I managed. When I got back the other passengers were worried. But who cares, I just cut the time to reach Ponyville in half twice. It took 45 minutes to reach Ponyville. The train slowed to a stop and passengers got out. I went to the nearest post office and mailed a letter to Celestia with my seal at the bottom. I then went to the nearest clothing store run by a mare that went by the name of Rarity.

Rarity: Ah hello and welcome to my new store. Are you new in town?

Jinx: Not exactly. I was born in Canterlot, but moved away due t- well it's personal.

Rarity: Canterlot!?

Jinx: Jeez. Don't think they heard you in the back.

Rarity: Oh sorry it's just that I've always dreamed of living in Canterlot and hearing that you are from there yet decided to leave, I'm just confused and shocked.

Jinx: Yeah anyway you wouldn't happen to make cloaks or suits in black would you?

Rarity: Ah yes I do sell suits and trenchcoats but not cloaks I'm afraid.

Jinx: Oh okay. Do you sell them in pure black?

Rarity: Going for a darker look I see. I have the overcoats and ties in black. I could make you a shirt in black though if you'd like.

Jinx: Perfect. How much do I owe you?

Rarity: Hmm lemme see. 25 coins.

Jinx: Here have an extra 15

Rarity: That's 40 coins though.

Jinx: So?

Rarity: Thank you.

Jinx: No promblemo. So I'll stop by tomorrow?

Rarity: Yep.

Jinx: Alright, hasta mañana.

Rarity: Um, And to you too!

I then left scolding myself. If I gain a reputation for kindness, again, Celestia will know I'm here. Well I did send a letter but she'll know my exact location. Anyway. I had no where to stay. Hmm. The library! Yes. I'll stay there. I approach the library and open it. No one is there so I make myself at home in the... attic aka the canopy of the tree that houses the library. A while later I hear the door swing open and go into defense mode. My wings were outstretched and my cloak flew off. I stood on the shelf and noticed Rarity along with 5 others and a baby dragon.

Rarity: Twilight are you sure this legend is true? Celestia is the current symbol of friendship.

Twilight: I don't know. Applejack what do you think?

Applejack: I honestly do not know. Rainbow Dash what do you think of this?

Rainbow Dash: I don't think Celestia is capable of that, right Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: I don't know. Jealousy can hit anypony even Pinkypie.

Pinkie Pie: Yupp. I remember when I was little and- oh who's that?

Jinx: Shit.

I ran along the shelf but the two unicorns Twilight and Rarity pulled down the shelf so I used my wings to glide down. I looked up and Applejack kicked me causing me to fly towards the wall. I looked up and noticed the window. I tried to fly through it but Rainbow Dash tackled me midair. I was frustrated so I used a small shock spell to tase Rainbow Dash and tried to get to the window but a confetti cannon fired blinding me. I hit a wall and passed out I woke up and saw the one they called Fluttershy staring down at me.

Fluttershy: He's up.

R.D.: Alright mister who are you and why are you here?!

Jinx: I am nopony, and revenge on Celestia is why I am here.

Twilight: Guess we gotta do this the hard way. Rarity hold his muzzle open.

Rarity did as she was told and Twilight poured a potion into my muzzle.

Twilight: Now, What is your name?

Jinx: Jinx Zam'Luna.

Everypony: *gasp*

Jinx: I-I'm sorry preciosas.

I used an explosion spell to knock them back. I then used all the strength I had to break the ropes. I then flew up and used a small weak lightning spell to tase them. I then jumped out of the window. I flew for hours till I ran out of energy and crashed into a tree. Then I blacked out.

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