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Many years ago, before Shimmer left, or Twilight began studying there was a colt that went by the name of Jinx Zam'Luna. He was a rather large pony just under Princess Celastia's height, with twice the physical strength as an adolescent dragon. He was kind to all, and a valuable asset to the equestrian army. However he had one problem. His power. He was almost on par with Princess Celastia. This worried her but what could she do. She was still young and had much to learn and with her title she knew she couldn't let jealousy or fear of others distract her from her duties. Either way she couldn't help but feel that her student would outdo her in the end. So while he was out on a mission with the rest of the army she cast a spell to erase all memory of him from everypony that encountered him. She then cast another spell to throw him out of Equestria, off the planet, and off to the moon. Jinx cried due to this betrayal. He felt that if he returned he could talk it out with Celestia but he was wrong. When he returned she attacked him. She was still stronger than him and with a lightning spell defeated him. His eye then lit aflame as wings appeared from his back and his horn glowed a black aura surrounding him, blinded with rage he swore he would return and seek revenge. With that he left never to be seen again. Celestia locked herself in her tower for many days crying, regretting what she had done. But it was too late. She had no way to contact him. She also knew he wouldn't forgive her. Many years later she took Sunset Shimmer under her wing. Sunset later betrayed Celastia. A long while later Celestia took on a new student Twilight Sparkle. A long while later she sent Twilight to Ponyville to learn about friendship firsthand. Many years later however Zam'Luna had maxed out his skills in magic and was ready to return.

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