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When I walked into the kitchen I saw them. BTS was actually here, in my house, laughing with my dad. It was a bit weird watching them interact.

"Oh, Minhee's here," my dad said.

"Yeah," I was totally confused. "When did you guys become besties?"

"Since Yoongi dropped you off home," my dad replied. I nodded and walked towards my room to put my bag and jacket away. Once I came back out everyone was around the living room TV.

When I went closer, they were play Super Smash Brothers in my dad's extremely old game cubes. I remember those were the coolest when I was younger.

"I get to play the winner," I smirked. I'm not bragging, but I'm the best when it comes to the classic games. Everyone looked shock, besides my dad.

"Good luck, I actually think Jin has a chance to beat you," my dad said to me.

"We'll see, I'll go get some snacks." I went towards the kitchen and saw some food in the oven. But I still don't understand how Yoongi and my dad got along that quickly.

"Hey," I suddenly turned around recognizing that voice.

"Hi, didn't realize you and my dad were best friends." I began putting cookies on a tray and iced tea into a pitcher.

"Yeah, I thought he would beat me up that day. But surprisingly I didn't come out with a black eye."

"Haha, is my dad that scary."

"No, I just didn't think a dad would let a guy, who went out with his daughter, off so easily."

"True, mind helping me bring out the drinks."

"No problem," Yoongi smiled and grabbed the pitcher and cups. I took the tray of cookies and headed out the door along side Yoongi.

"Minhee-ah, my work just called me in. They said that the clinic needs some more workers in. So I'll be there till later tonight. Have dinner with the boys, and don't wait for me."

"Okay, I'll pack you a sandwich right now." I ran into the kitchen to pack my dad a lunchbox. I just grabbed a sandwich from my bag for tomorrow. I placed the sandwich into his lunch bag with an energy drink and an apple.

I handed my dad his lunchbox to him in his way out the door.

"Minhee, what does your dad do for a living?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"He's a nurse at a hospital, he's been moving to different hospitals until recently though."

"That's cool, my sister is going to school to become a doctor," Jimin said in awe.

"It's not that great, it's not like my dad's a surgeon or a doctor like your sister."

"Whatever, now didn't you say that you could beat me," Jin said.

"Of course I could beat you, let's go!"

Jin and I rushed to the couch. The guys huddled around us watching the intense battle. Jin had chosen his favorite Mario and I had chosen Kirby.

The battle was so fun, finally someone that I could beat. We were both close to death, but Jin suddenly slipped at the edge of the sofa and fell on the floor. While Kirby did his final attack on Mario.

"Hey that cheating!"

"I wasn't the one that made you fall," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I can't take this, I'm the oldest here," Jin said pouting.

"The oldest that collects action figures," I laughed. Then they all looked at me like I was crazy. "What? Remember I'm your biggest fan."

"Oh right," Hoseok said, then everyone laughed. This was my dream about a month ago. I can't believe it's reality now.

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