A Missing Danger

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Everyone was having fun. We were all playing hide and seek, until the guys had to go home. When I looked at my phone it was already 12:30. So we said our goodbyes and left too.

"Noona, Noona," Jun said as we were walking to the bus stop.

"Yes Jun."

"Umm, how so you know those hyungs."

"Mmh," I had to think, how did I meet them it feels like I've known them my entire life even though it's only been a day. "Noona met them through friends, so my friends were friends with them first then I became friends with them." I explained it a bit, looking at Jun's lost face at first.

"Are we going home now? I don't want to go home," oh that little pout.

"Jun, don't you remember, we're going to visit Changjo Hyung."

"Oh does that mean we'll see Byunghyun Hyung and Chunji Hyung." Jun had always taken a liking to those two.

"I don't know, it just depends if they're home or not. Are you hungry?" I asked Jun thinking back to the last time we ate and all of that running around. He's probably starving.

"Neh," Jun said.

"Okay, do you want to eat fried chicken and bring some to Hyung," I said knowing that his love of fried chicken is greater than Onew's.

"Yes!" He shouted getting a bit excited, his favorite people and food all in one place. I know of a good fried chicken place by a Teen Top's dorm, I'll just go there. We got onto the bus and waited until we were close to Changjo's dorm.

Once we were close by, I pressed the buzzer and the bus stopped. I woke Jun up and we got off the bus together. We stopped by the restaurant and picked up two boxes of fried chicken. Then we walked towards the dorm, the weather was very sunny, but there were light gushes of wind.

When I got through the lobby and up the stairs to Teen Top's door I rang the doorbell. When the intercom went off, I could recognize the voice, it was Chunji.

"Who is it?"

"Hyung! It's me Jun, oh and Noona came too," Jun said right when I was about to answer. I guess he just likes them better than me. Chunji opened the door and welcomed the both of us with a hug.

"Ah, we haven't seen you in so long," Chunji said letting go of the both of us.

"I know, but you'll be seeing more of me, Changjo invited me to your comeback stage."

"Really, we'll come inside, wait is that fried chicken," Chunji said sniffing the air looking at the bags in my hands.

"Yup, I figured you'd be hungry after practice."

"MINHEE!" I heard shouting as me and Jun were taking off our shoes. When I looked up it was Niel and Ricky.

"Omo, Jun is here too, come give your Hyungs a hug," Niel said.

"Oppa you sound like a grandmother with that tone," I said jokingly.

"Then I'll be your grandmother."

"Whatever crazy grandma, let's eat everyone," I yelled, knowing they were here. Their always here, it's a Saturday and they just got home from practice.

I helped the Grandma set up plates and I looked in their fridge for some side dishes and guess what I found... Kimch Fried Rice! There was a lot of it, I'm surprised they didn't eat it yet, so I heated it up to eat with the chicken.

I scooped the rice into six bowls making sure they get the most. Then there was just enough for Jun and me to eat. I left the chicken in the middle of the dining table and when everyone got to the kitchen they were actually surprised that I was there.

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