Someone From Your Childhood

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Dear Katey and Makenzie

I don't even know if i spelled your names right...awkward...O.o and i couldn't think of anyone legitimate to write this to. I could have written it to my first crush but i think i have enough letters to boys in this mess. So i am going to write this to you guys because you were my neighbors growing up. We were friends by proximity. We were right beside each other and near the same age so we became friends simply because of that. Cool. You guys were my friends. However, I tell people that i didn't make my first real friend till i moved to where i am now. Because this is true. We were friends in the childish way of coincidence. You never truly cared about me as friends care about each other, we didn't share secrets or pains, we didn't tell each other things or love each other like real friends. No, i made that when i moved here and her name is Britnie. She was my first real friend. Not you guys. But man did i love hanging out with you guys. We had fun running all around our street like maniacs. We owned that street. Katey, you were the oldest of the three of us and your sister was the youngest. So i was in the middle. I believe we went to the same school but this was elementary and we all stayed in one classroom all day so i wouldn't of ever seen you guys. I wouldn't have known. You were mean to me on the bus with that girl Victoria. You guys made up excuses why i couldn't sit with you guys, and i was a little kid. I just couldn't comprehend that my friends were trying to get rid of me. It made no sense to me. But if i had gotten it i assure you i would have moved. That kind of stings to look back at. But i know you didn't mean to do that to me. You were good friends of mine. Mackenzie i'm not talking to you here, you were always so much nicer to me than your older sister, i know why you complained about her so much. I get it. But you weren't perfect either. Nevertheless i loved you guys innocently as kids. But i didn't understand what loving a friend was until i moved. Do i think about you guys from time to time? Obviously. I really do. I think you'd genuinely be amazed at who i am today. I would probably be surprised by you guys but i don't think so. Katey i think you grew up to get slightly above average grades, became a cheerleader, had a great boyfriend all through high school (you would have graduated already) and now your off to college. Mackenzie you were probably the smarty pants, artistic, maybe a writer or in band or something. I don't know. That's how i picture you guys. I know one thing, you two must be beautiful. I always thought so. How funny would it be if we crossed paths one day and realized who each other was. I think that would be a funny meeting. I wonder if you guys think of me at any point. You probably have once or twice. I mean it was about three years right in the middle of our childhood. You guys moved into our house when we moved away. You have to of thought of us plenty through the years. I wonder if you still live there. I doubt it. I hope you guys are happy. I hope your older brother is happy too, he was my brothers friend and i thought that was kind of perfect as a kid. They were the only boys on our street and they happened to be friends and we happened to be friends. All too perfect. Have great lives and maybe remember me sometime.

Love from,


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