Chapter 14

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     The air is thick inside of Rio's sleek black Camero, as heavy silence pierces the proximity between us.

I haven't said a word to Rio since I've gotten into the car. He's been concentrated ahead for ten minutes - and I'm uncertain if his mind is racing a hundred miles per hour alike my own.

Part of me trusted him.

I feel like that part of me is so far away now - so distant it's lethal.

Enduring the bitter silence, I bring a hand up to undo my low bun; allowing for my blonde waves to soon fall and overlap my shoulders carelessly.
Keeping my blue-green irises drawn onto the window by my side, I think back at the question Vince bestowed upon me at the crime scene.

And penetrating curiosity resurfaces.

I glance over to Rio for the first time since I had gotten into his car, and have no choice but to break the sulky silence that lingers.

"Why was Cal there?" I begin - my tone vaguely sparked with curiosity.

Rio's leaned back in his leather seat - his knuckles eventually shifting white upon the steering wheel, I notice.

Next to me, his structured jawline sets, and he doesn't meet my perceptive gaze, not yet.

"We met up to go over inventory." Rio answers lowly.

"Inventory?" I return, keeping my narrowed gaze in Rio's direction.

"Our cash count, Isabel. It's something we had to discuss." Rio informs solemnly, next to me. He still doesn't look in my direction.

"Well how was it? Did the cash count meet your expectations?" I ask in mere treachery towards the gang leader. "Why did you leave him there alone when you came to get me, Rio?"

"He stayed because he didn't wanna leave." Rio answers remotely abrupt, keeping watch ahead. "I wanted him to come with me, that way I'd take 'em home myself. But after he heard about Peterson he wanted to have my back."

Rio's dark brown eyes pierce mine, finally, for a brief moment. "So I came and got you." he says, though soon fixing his focus ahead onto the road again.

"I knew he would've listened to you." he concludes lowly - barely audible - but I catch it.

In turn my eyes then settle ahead, when I shelter in a gentle breath; running a hand through my loose blonde waves before diffusing it.

And my gaze drops down to my lap, a moment. Uneasy sadness penetrates me once more.

"You didn't." I remark softly. "Not when I asked you to give Peterson the money."

I glance over to the gang leader again, who only allows for deafening silence to linger once more in return.
I watch Rio's jawline harden, as he faces ahead of him. I see the reflection of Richmond's city lights igniting the glimmer across his dark brown irises; lighting nearly every angle of his face simultaneously.

Then I choose to force my gaze elsewhere - anywhere but him.

And just when I prefer the cold and utter silence to settle in for the rest of the way to my job, Rio's low and husky voice breaks through once again.

And he only says what I had least expected.

"I'm sorry, Isabel." he tells me; tone low. Raw. Sincere.

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