5 - Losing Memories

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It didn't take long before Jace had brought us to what looked to be an abandonded warehouse, but I know that it is just a front. Magnus must have chosen this location to try not to draw suspicion. I bring my Seraph blade to my hand as we enter the building, putting a throwing knife into my other just in case. Alec walks next to his parabatai while I walk next to mine. Clary lingers behind us, pulling her own Seraph blade out. She holds it with a strong grip, almost as if she's scared she's about to drop it.

"Magnus' lair is right behind that fence," Jace says pointing right ahead.

"Magnus lives in a warehouse?" Clary asks.

"It's a glamour," I sigh at her.

"Something's wrong," Izzy says raising her hand bringing us all to a halt. "It's far too easy to get this close.

"His protective wards must be down." Jace says growing more tense. I take a couple of steps towards in front of the group casting my eyes around.

"You-" Alec says forcing me to turn around. He glares at Clary. "Don't get in the way." They glare at each other, but the sound of a man grunting steals my attention away from them. A warlock stands on the balcony ahead, struggling against the man who is pushing him closer and closer to the edge. I quickly transfer my throwing knife to my strong arm before launching it at the man behind the warlock. It hits the man in his skull and he immediately drops, however I was too late. The warlock groans from the wound the man's sword created and he drops off the edge.

"Oh God! Valentine found Magnus!" Clary yells, but I don't focus on her. I am already sprinting into Magnus' lair. I snatch up my throwing knife from the dead Circle member and continue running into the building.

I am running through the building alone. I am not too sure where the others had gone, but my only focus is making sure that Magnus is alive. I just hope Alec is okay. I turn a corner and see two Circle members. They turn as soon as they hear me. They bring their blades to their hands and charge at me. I block the first man's swing with my blade before kicking him in the chest. I duck under the other's attempt and slash at his stomach causing him to cry out. The other man comes at me, but I throw my knife at him, allowing me to focus on the crying man. I thrust my seraph blade into his chest  and shove his body to the ground. I move quickly towards the second man and swing my blade across his throat. He makes a gurgling sound before reaching his hands to the wound and dropping to the floor. Without another glance I continue racing towards the center of the building where I prayed Magnus would be.

I race around the corner towards the sound of loud bangs and grunts. Magnus stands in the center of the messy room, his hands glowing a unique shade of blue. The man before him starts marching to him. Without hesitation I reach for another throwing knife and fire it into the circle members back. He groans before falling to the floor. Magnus waves his magic over the man and then the circle member stops moving. I walk towards the man and retrieve my knife, looking up at Magnus.

"You okay?" I ask wondering whether the Circle member had managed to hit him or not.

"I am now," He says keeping his eyes on me. "I'm Magnus." He says walking over to me. "I don't think we've been formally introduced."

"Maelys. We should probably go join the others," I say to him.

"Right, we should join the party," He says. I watch him a moment longer confused by his gaze before turning around and heading into the next room. Alec and Jace rush into the room and I feel myself sigh with relief. Alec's okay. I move towards him letting him pull me into an embrace as we reach one another.

"Are you alright?" I ask him. He squeezes me tightly before releasing me.

"I'm okay, you?" He asks looking from one eye to another. I nod in response and back away from him giving Jace a look. Clary and Izzy soon rush into the room with a little warlock girl.

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