19 - Book Hunt

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It doesn't take long for Alec and I to get to the address. Izzy never told me why they were all at Magnus' house, but I can't be annoyed that we're here. Alec's grip on my hand tightens as we walk towards the front door. I go to knock, but Alec opens the door, not caring to wait for anyone to let us in. I frown to him, but I soon remove it as he tugs me into Magnus' apartment.

Izzy finds us straight away. She smiles as she sees us and pulls us both into a hug. She draws back and that's when her smile leaves.

"Where's Jace?" She asks.

"He went after Valentine," I reply.

"Seriously?" Izzy gasps. I go to respond, but my hand is ripped from Alec's as I'm suddenly pulled away. The rooms around me pass too quickly for me to actually figure out where I'm being taken and who is taking me, but as soon as I feel my back slam against a wall, I see Camille. Her grip on me tightens as she pushes me further against the wall and I groan. She grins to me. An evil, sadistic grin that seems to make my hands tremble more than they had before.

"Lys, it's good to see you again," Camille croons. I grunt as I fight against her grip, but it is unmoving.

"It's a shame I can't say the same for you," I say through gritted teeth.

"Camille, what are you doing?" I hear Simon say. I look behind Camille to see Simon and Clary staring at us with wide eyes. Simon starts walking over to us.

"Simon, have you ever tried, Lys' blood?" Camille asks, dragging her finger down my neck. I feel the scratch from her ring; the metal claw she wears digs into my flesh slightly and I know by the way her nostrils flare that she has caused me to bleed.

"Don't," I mutter, unable to speak any louder. She chuckles, digging the claw deeper into my neck which makes me wince.

"Camille, stop," Simon says. He has stopped a couple of feet away from us. His face contorts slightly as if he is struggling to stop himself from being overcome by the scent of my blood.

"Can you smell it, Simon?" Camille asks as she leans forward, inhaling loudly against my neck. "This is what Shadowhunter blood smells like. Though Lys' is different. Once you try her blood, no other Shadowhunter will compare."

Camille drags her finger over the cut on my neck before licking the blood off it. My breathing increases as I watch her do it. I want to remove myself from her grip, I need to, but I can't seem to find the will to do it. My hands are shaking so much from the cravings. It would feel so good to let her bite me.

Camille bares her fangs and goes for my neck. I close my eyes, bracing for the euphoric sting. But it never comes. I open my eyes again to see a Seraph Blade in the very small space between me and the Vampire. I move away as much as I can from the blunt side, though it's not necessary as the blade moves closer to Camille's neck, forcing her to back away.

"Get close to her again and I will not hesitate to kill you," Alec's deep voice rumbles. Izzy appears and is instantly shoving Camille back.

"So touchy," she mutters. Alec moves to stand in front of me as Magnus makes his way to Camille.

"Let's go and sort out that contract," he says to her, forcing her out of the room. Everything is silent when they leave and I remain frozen in place.

"C-can you get rid of the blood," Simon says covering his nose. "It's just that I can smell it, and I'm trying not to."

Alec turns to me and is bringing his Stele to my Iratze rune to heal the wound on my neck. I watch Alec's every move, wondering what he is thinking right now. Is he disappointed in me for not fighting back? Is he angry? I honestly have no idea because his face is so stoic I can't see any emotion. He pockets his Stele before grabbing a tissue, wiping the blood from my neck.

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