Not an Update :(

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Hello, it has been brought to my attention that this book was reposted here on wattpad and without mine or vin's permission. We are both unbelievably upset and working to get the story taken down. I posted about this on my tumblr notluhloydgarmadon if anyone happened to see the post. I will be taking the post down because I mention the accounts name and I rather this stay between Vin, I and the person at fault. I'm only posting this so others will be aware that if they come across another post of our story that it is not ours. We only have this one and the one on our FanFiction.Net account.

Honestly I would like to resolve this peacefully and just have the person take down the story but they have not responded to me. At this point I'm going to contact wattpad and report the story for being copied and stolen. It hurts to know people would do this and I know it happens to many authors and artists, I just never thought it would happen to me.

I know uodates have been slow but with the pandemic and Vin and I both being essential workers it was hard to find time to write. We hope that our lack of updates did not cause this. We understand that you all are patiently waiting for more and we hope to have a new chapter out soon.

Thank you


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