Mad World (Part 1) - I

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In a more forgotten part of Ninjago, two mysterious people were in a room alone. One dressed in red and black and the other dawned a black outfit with a tint of green with a mask. The one dressed in red was standing before the other, awaiting instructions. The one in green sat upon a throne-like seat. The only sound that could be heard was the music from the other room.

"All the ninja, except one are out of town and won't return unless called upon." The one in green informed the other. "This is the perfect opportunity for us to seize the Mask of Vengeance." The one in red said nothing as the green one stood and started to pace. "I discovered its whereabouts while doing some research on the masks themselves. It's located on the top floor of Borg Industries." He continued to explain then stopped, turning to face Red. "But that shouldn't be a problem for you." Red shook his head. "I'll leave the plan to get it up to you. Though I assume you've put together a team like I asked." Green inquired and Red nodded this time and opened the door allowing five more people to enter the room.

"Good. You six are to infiltrate the tower quickly and quietly. Do not set off any alarms." Green stressed the last part. "Do I make myself clear?" He asked sternly. They all nodded. "Should you fail that one part, the Green Ninja will show up and try to stop you, do not let him." He demanded. One of the five snickered and in an instance a blade was at their throat. Green stared down the one who laughed. "If you think this is a joke, I will not hesitate to remove you from this team permanently." He warned.

"He's just one ninja." One muttered and the sword switched to his throat.

"You think you are better than the Green Ninja?" Green retorted and then laughed. "You are not. Just because there are six of you and one of him does not mean you will win." Green sheathed his sword and backed away. "If you do fail, don't return to the Sons of Garmadon. For what I will do to you will be much worse than fleeing like a coward." The six nodded, most too scared to even speak. Green waved his hand and the five additional members left the room. Green peered out the window at the city. "Go now," He ordered Red. "You'll have a perfect distraction," He smirked. "For the celebrations are about to begin."

It was a night of joy for Ninjago. The streets were filled everywhere with people cheering and dancing. It was also the perfect cover for six masked people to use. They began to navigate their way across the roofs of buildings until Borg Industries was in sight. They would have to get closer but they could at least see the building now. The six continued climbing up buildings until they reached a highway. One by one they hurried across it, jumping to the building closest to it. This was the perfect place for the grappling hook. The one in green aimed it as best as he could for the floor they needed.

Once it was secure they climbed the rope up to Borg Industries. The one in green approached the window, peeking inside to make sure it was indeed the right floor and that there were no security guards. He knew what fate awaited them all should they screw this up. He pulled out his swords and cut the glass. Two of the others caught the glass and lowered it carefully, not making a sound. The green one kept watch as the others entered first. What he didn't know was, not too far away someone was keeping watch on them. The one watching them had a perfect view of Borg Industries. The one green entered and they each began looking for the mask. There were many masks in the room but none matched the description of the one they needed. All six gathered, having had no luck. The green one then got an idea and pushed the others out of his way. He made his way over to a picture of Mr. Borg, pulling out his swords again, he sliced it up revealing the mask behind it. Part one of the mission, finding the mask was a success. Getting it back to the boss was next. One of the others, who was dressed in gray, went to reach for it but the green one stopped them, revealing the lasers. Ever so carefully the green one used his swords to block the lasers and retrieved the mask. They silently celebrated, the mission had gone well. Or so they thought because at that same moment, the one in gray removed green's swords, setting off the alarm. One by one the windows started to get blocked off. Green grabbed his swords from Gray and they all ran for the window with the opening. They went for the rope to make a quick escape when a green glow caught their attention.

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