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Things were not going to plan and Lloyd didn't like that. Three years of planning and none of it was going accordingly. He knew couldn't put all the blame on the Sons. Some of it was his. Jay was alive and he shouldn't be. Lloyd was one hundred percent sure he was dead but apparently that was incorrect. There was nothing he could do about the situation except wait until he could try to kill him again. This time making no mistakes.

The rest that hadn't gone to plan, were unexpected surprises.

Harumi was the masked girl. Though he had planned on asking her to join him originally this wasn't how. He had let her get close to him while neither knew who the other was. He wondered if Harumi only sought him out the second time because of her parents. Maybe she actually wanted him dead. Maybe she was just playing along to get closer to him. If that were the case he would have to keep a close eye on her. There was no need to having things keep straying from the plan.

Harumi was apparently capable of much more than he had predicted. She was able to sneak off the bounty and make it to the bar without either Nya or Kai noticing. This made her much more valuable to Lloyd but at the same time, more dangerous. Whether or not she had more hidden talents, he would have to discover that.

"Lloyd?" He looked up and saw Nya in front of him. His face softened. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He answered and moved towards the side of the ship. She followed and stood next to him. She didn't say anything. He knew what she was doing, she would do this when she knew he wasn't ok but didn't want to talk. It had been awhile since they last sat like this. Thinking back on it, Lloyd and her hadn't done this since after Morro was defeated. Everything that was wrong, he couldn't tell her. No matter how much he wished it, he knew Nya would never join him. If she knew the truth then he would lose the only person left who ever truly cared for him.

And that would break him completely.

"Everything feels wrong." He started and Nya looked at him. Lloyd would tell her what she wanted to hear, to keep her happy or at least from prying too much. "I feel like we're losing even though we haven't yet."

"We won't." She stated. He turned to her.

"How do you know? Because ninja never quit?" He asked almost mockingly. "The Sons of Garmadon plan to resurrect my father and they're two-thirds of the way there!" Lloyd shouted then sighed. "I want nothing more than to see my father but this version of him will be nothing but pure evil."

"You're right, we never quit." She agreed. "But they don't know where the third mask is, that gives us the chance to catch up. We won't let them resurrect your father."

"And what about Jay?" Lloyd asked. "You saw what they did to him just because he knew their plan. They're stronger than us." If it had been anyone else from the Sons of Garmadon, Jay probably would've come out more unscathed than he did.

"Jay was alone, we'll have to stick together and we're stronger together." Nya reminded him. That they were and there laid the problem. He needed to get each and every one of them alone, until none were left. "We'll beat them Lloyd, we always do. Try to get some rest while we wait to hear from Zane and Cole. They found a lead and that means there's hope that we'll win."

"Alright." He agreed and went below deck. He didn't really plan on resting but at least now he could be alone. Lloyd passed by their shared room and saw Jay. Much to his disappointment, Jay survived so far. He had hoped that even though his injuries had been treated that maybe he would still succumb to them. Though that hope hadn't disappeared, Jay could still very much die.

For as long as he could remember, Lloyd had imagined each of the ninja in a painful death. He wanted nothing more than to watch them suffer as they had done to him his whole life. He had just been a child when they met him. None of them cared what happened to him, he had just been an annoying pest in their eyes. That was until he became the Green Ninja. Then they changed and Lloyd knew why. He always knew even if they tried to hide it. He was their weapon to be used whenever they pleased. Just thinking about it brought the anger back to Lloyd, his fist surged with power once more his as it done in Mystake's shop.

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