Dr. Gilbert Blythe

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As soon as Miss Stacy dismissed her pupils for the day, Anne looked for Gilbert. She look her time packing her stuff she didn't want any of the girls especially Ruby to see her walk with Gilbert. She wouldn't want to see her friend hurt. There's no reason for Ruby to be jealous right? Gilbert's just a friend, nothing more....... but I always feel different when he's around, could that be because I li—- nope I don't like Gilbert Blythe. I'm walking with him to see Mary. She thought to herself. As Anne was thinking, everyone else in the Avonlea school building filed out. Except for a certain brown haired boy.
Anne finally got up and headed to towards Gilbert. She kept her head down as she walked. When she finally looked at Gilbert, he was already looking at her.
" Um sorry..... about that... sorry I took so long", Anne spoke awkwardly. " I was thinking of a new story and I got carried away"
"That's alright, shall we go?", Gilbert asked with a smile. Anne nodded her head quickly and the two started the walk to the Blythe house. Throughout the walk the two talked about all sorts of things, both smiling like crazy as one would crack a joke. A conversation about queens started when they reached Gilbert's house. They walked slower so they could finish their discussion. They stopped in front of the house as Gilbert was explaining his desires to go to medical school when Anne interrupted him.
" Ok course you'll get into medical school Gil, as long as you go where your passions lead you", Anne said smiling.
" Thank you Anne", Gilbert responded excitedly. He appreciated Anne's words of wisdom but all that was on his mind was deciding weather to ask about his new nickname. He was getting ready to speak again, when Mary opened the front door.
"Anne, it's so good to see you", Mary greeted.
"Mary, thank you so much for the book, I can't wait to start the cooking lessons. I've always wanted to learn but Marilla never wanted to teach me, she says I talk to much and all my rambling gives her a headache", Anne rambled on as she walked inside with Gilbert right behind her. Mary smiled warmly at the young red haired girl. Gilbert decided to head out to the apple orchard so Mary could give her lesson.
"I'm off to the orchard Mary, is that where Bash is at the moment?"
"Yes he is, he wanted me to tell you to bring extra baskets with you"
" Of course, I'll see you later Anne", Gilbert said awkwardly, kneeling Mary would tease him later. Anne nodded at him with a smile. He smiled in return and headed out the door. He walked rapidly to the field of apples. Thinking about Anne the whole time.


"Gilbert I was wondering when you would finally show up", Bash teased.
" Sorry Bash, I was walking with Anne, Mary's helping her with cooking", Gilbert answered.
"Ohhh so my ships finally happening", Bash jumper off his ladder. "Did you ask to court her yet?"
"No it's not like that with Anne, Bash"
"Gilbert", Bash said seriously, "Do you have feelings for Anne?"
Gilbert was shocked with Bash's serious tone. Did he like Anne? He knew he liked having her as a friend. He liked how she was different from every other kid in Avonlea. How she brought a fresh energy with her. He liked hearing her talk. He could listen to her talk all day. He liked how she split it up when talking about her passions. He liked making her laugh. Gilbert started thinking about the other day when she recited a passage from Jane Eyre when Bash interrupted him from his thoughts.
"I knew it", Bash cheered. "You do like her"
Gilbert was about to say something but he stopped himself. Maybe he did like Anne. He smiled as Bash walked up to him and patted his back. They didn't say anything else as they picked the apples for the next hour.


Anne watched Gilbert through the window as he walked towards the field. She thought about their discussion a few minutes earlier. She smiled to herself, she liked talking with him about their passions.
Mary observed Anne watching Gilbert. "So let's start with something easy", Mary said interrupting Anne's thoughts. They worked for a while. Mary decide to teach Anne how to make her famous cake. After an hour or so went by Anne noticed the sun started to go down.
"Mary I would love to stay longer but I must start by way home before it get to dark", Anne said as she grabbed her stuff. "Thank you for agreeing to teach me".
" Of course Anne, it gives me something to do when the boys are out there working away."
"Are they coming back soon, I wanted to ask Gilbert something?"
"I'm afraid not, they don't come in til after dark, but I'll tell him for you, between you and me i think he has a crush on you and I know you like him as well", she said smiling.
"I don't.....He doesn't..... how", Anne said speechless. She sighed defeated. Maybe Mary could help her. She lowered her head and nodded slowly.
" Don't worry I won't tell him, I want to se show this plays out", Mary laughed which made Anne laugh. She hugged her goodbye and headed to Green Gables where a worried Marilla would be waiting for her.
Gilbert walked home excited to walk Anne home and continue their talk about the future. He walked in with an excited smile on his face. He looked around the kitchen but only saw Mary in the corner cooking dinner.
"She left a little while ago", Mary said with her back to him. "She has to go before dark"
"Oh well, I'll go up and get washed up before dinner", Gilbert answered a bit sad.
" She wanted to ask you something"
"Oh", he said excitedly. He walked to his bedroom to start his homework. He look out his maths book when a piece of paper fell out. He grabbed the small paper. It read:
" would you like to walk to school together tomorrow- Anne"
Gilbert smiled to himself. Looks like I'm leaving for school earlier tomorrow.

-I wonder what's going to happen on that walk. Will Anne tell Gilbert how she feels? Will Gilbert? I'm on the edge of my seat. 😂😂😂
-Thank you for reading, I'm still new to this whole writing thing but I hope you'll stick around!!!

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