Chapter 15: Betrothed

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Aurora's heart was beating rapidly in her chest as her new shoes clacked against the marble floors of the royal palace. Although she had been to the palace before, it was so otherworldly in its luxuriousness that she found she could never get familiar with it.

Beth, Aurora's Lady's maid, was walking behind the timid girl as a royal butler was leading them through the palace.

The butler was tall and slim, with long arms that stayed firmly by his sides and strides that tapped against the marble floor in a precise beat. Aurora noticed that he was perfectly groomed too, his blonde hair was neatly slicked back, and his butler suit was tailored to perfection, not a crease in sight. But then again Aurora thought that the entire palace was like that. Every inch of marble was waxed and polished to such a degree that she could see her reflection on the floors as she walked the endless passages. Every separate detail of this place was nothing short of perfect.

As Aurora reflected on herself, she had to admit that she was out of place in this immaculate palace. Her unruly but boring brown hair had been combed back neatly this morning but was now already out of its bun. A stray strand was flapping about in front of her face as she walked. She was so wobbly and awkward that her new shoes made an unstable rhythm against the floors as she rushed to keep up with the butler leading them. She felt she was like an ugly stain in this perfect castle. A stain on the prince even, since he was tied to her.

Her fiancé, the lost prince, as everyone called him. A small smile crept onto her lips at the thought of meeting him. The day she had given him her present, a small pin that she had dug herself from her family mines had paled in comparison to all the other gifts he had been given, and yet he did not complain. He declared in front of everyone how wonderful the pin was and tied it to his collar that instant. That moment was forever carved into Aurora's head as a happy memory. She was sure that today would be another happy memory since she was going to meet him.

She bit her lip happily as the butler came to a stop a few meters in front of her. He turned around to face her and then bowed respectfully towards her.

"Madame Favian, this is the prince's wing. Nanny Zelda will take you from here."

With that, the butler knocked a steady three times on the large white doors. Soon the two doors were slowly opened and a gentle-faced older woman stepped out.

"Good morning Madam Favian. It is a pleasure to see you again." Aurora was immediately relieved to find that Nanny Zelda had a cheerful disposition. She had been scared that the woman would be a strict and cold, but looking at Zelda's rosy cheeks and kind eyes, Aurora was immediately put at ease. She smiled up at her happily the nanny.

Zelda turned towards Beth and nodded in greeting. "Please come collect the young madam after lunch time."

Beth curtseyed while taking a few steps back and then walked back down the hall she had been lead through.

Nanny Zelda stretched out her hand for Aurora which she took happily. The pair began to walk through the prince's wing, hand in hand.

Aurora was in awe of how huge the prince's accommodation was. The wing was big enough to house a few large families and grand enough even for a king. And yet it was a space only meant for the prince.

"My dear, I am afraid that his Highness completed a severe task last night and fell quite ill afterwards. He is in fact still fast asleep in his recovery room." Zelda sighed as she remembered how the young prince had fainted after coming back from his journey to the spirit world.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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