Chapter 1: So I guess the end was really just the beggining...

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Disclaimer - the picures used in this book are not mine, I have just politely swiped them all from pinterest. The pictures are the property of their creators so all the credit goes to them.

I was dying, but okay with it.

My weak lungs were finally giving in. I mean I was pretty proud of them, they had somehow managed to keep me breathing for eighteen years despite what all the doctors said. These faulty oxygen purifiers inside me had pumped on for eighteen years, and I was glad for the time they had allowed me here with my dad. Actually, this was for the best, my dying I mean, because I did not want to see my dad trying desperately to pay the expensive medical fees it took to maintain me anymore. I did not want to see him suffer anymore. When I was gone, he would be free to live his own life and not worry about his poor sick son.

He was a great dad and I was going to miss him. I was thankful that I was not leaving him alone when I died, I was so happy that he would have Miss Trudy to console him. She was like a mom to me and someone really special to dad, and when I was gone, I knew that they would finally have the time to get to know each other better, maybe even get married one day. The thought of that made me really happy.

"Hang in there Noah. Everything is going to be okay."

My dad's voice was strained and his eyes were a blotchy red, full of worry. I think he was trying to convince himself that I would make it past this spell, like I had all the other times, but this time was different, I could feel that this was the last time.

The machines behind my head started beeping incessantly, their blinding lights signalled an army of doctors and nurses to flood into the room. All of them talking and nervous and desperate.

One of the nurses was about to tell my dad to 'please leave the room', so I quickly took the opportunity to say goodbye.

I gently took hold of his hand and squeezed it, just like how I used to when I was a kid when I was scared to go into surgery.

"It's okay dad..." I told him calmly. I looked him straight in his eyes and let him know that I was alright and that I was at peace, and he should be too.

I swear that at that moment I was happy and calm, but as soon as I saw the tears start to roll down my dad's face, tears started rolling down mine too. This was it, this was goodbye and he realized that.

"I love you, dad."

I saw him mouth the same words back to me because he was too emotional to speak. Just then I heard the machine monitoring my heart flatline. A long monotonous beep signalling the end of my life.

The bright white light shining down on me from the ceiling seemed to suddenly consume my vision and with that the entire room. Soon I was completely encapsulated in this strange light, I was beginning to feel weightless like I was losing the connection to my body, and I started to notice the sound of my voice in my head start to get softer like it was fading away, like I was fading away. So this was death, a gentle fading sensation. Not bad really.

"Not just yet I'm afraid Mr Mathews." The sound of a clear feminine voice right next to me made me abruptly open my eyes and suddenly break away from the fading sensation.

I felt so startled and actually kind of grumpy, I felt as though I had been robbed of the peaceful silence by this strange voice. I looked around and saw that I was literally standing on air. I was unmistakeably standing in the middle of a sunset sky, there were great fluffy clouds all around me opening up to reveal the pinky-orange colour of a breathtaking skyline. Beams of light were filtering through the chubby clouds and making beautiful shining rays. This site was a thousand times better than all the wildlife documentaries I watched that had been filmed by planes and helicopters.

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