Chapter 5: Aurora Favian's dismay

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Aurora's bedroom above
For the first time since coming to Azlantean, Aurora woke up with a smile on her face. For the first time in six months (since the Queen woke up from her coma) Aurora hadn't loathed the idea of getting up and going to the academy.

Aurora ran her fingers across the embroidered patterns in her silky duvet and noticed how pretty they were for the first time. As her maids bustled into the room to get her ready for the morning, she wasn't overwhelmed by a feeling of melancholy at all. In fact she found herself admitting that she felt quite excited to go the academy today.

"Oh Goodness!" Aurora's Nanny Beth gasped.

Aurora was immediately alarmed and sat up straight in her bed.

"What is it? What's wrong Beth?" She asked with a shocked face, her little face alert with concern.

"Can it be...." Beth paused dramatically. "That our Lady is smiling so early in the morning!" Beth giggled, pleased at her own joke. Aurora pouted and sunk back into bed.

"What can it be that has made our Lady smile so? hmm, I wonder...?" Beth continued on with the joke, which made the other maids giggle in turn.

They all knew that Aurora's mood had improved because of the surprising return of the 'lost prince' the day before.

"Oh Beth, don't tease me so." Aurora whined meekly as she blushed a bright shade of pink.

Aurora watched as the other maids brought out her dress for today. It was one of her fanciest dresses, not the type of dress she wore on ordinary day. This dress was made with very rare silver silks that were only made in the East. The dress was adorne with countless lace cutouts, frills and pretty pearl buttons.

It was one of the few facny dresses that looked good on Aurora

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It was one of the few facny dresses that looked good on Aurora.

She had always loathed the fact that she had inherited most of her looks form her father, who was by no means an ugly man, but it was rather that he was very ordinary-looking. His eys were a dull shade of greyish-brown and so was his hair. Unfortunately for Aurora, who had always wanted a prettier more lively shade of hair, she had inherited everything form her father, including his pale washed out skin. So sadly, she had been dissapointed many times over the years, when she had tried on a bright pink dress onl to find that the colour completey washed her out and made her look like a ghost.

"We've got some good news Milady." Said Ethel, one of Aurora's maids. "Today you are going to view the prince's magical aptitude tests." Ethel smiled brightly as she clapped at her own announcement.

"But what about school?" Aurora asked surprised that her father would allow her to miss a day at the academy.

"It was a special invitation addressed directly from the King, so Lord Favian could not refuse." Beth cleared up the situation after seeing Aurora's confused little face.

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