Interview 8: Naturalkmd08

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1. What is one message you wanted to portray in your stories?

Ooh, that's hard. I would say a common message in all my stories is to be who you are, even if that person isn't the most socially acceptable.

2. Was this story inspired by anything?

All of my stories are inspired by things I read, music, movies, and life in general.

3. Who was your favourite character in the story (in any of your stories)?

My favorite character is always the one I'm writing for at the moment, so that changes daily ha!

4. What is the one story you are most proud of?

The Fighter. I feel like the writing matured a bit in that one.

5. Did the story go according to plan, or did something change along the way?

Nope, it's changed from my original plan already.

6. Do you think you’re similar to any of your characters?

Yes and no. Some things they do I would never do and some I would.

7. What is your favourite story on wattpad?

My favorite story on Wattpad has to be 'By Order of the King'.

8. What is the one thing you hate the most about writing?

Getting stuck and staring at the blank white page when you have a ton of ideas running through your head but you don't know how to get them out.

9. What is the best thing about writing?

The fulfillment when you those ideas out the way you want.

10. Any tips for wanna be writers?

Read a ton! Take advice, but not everyone's advice. Discern what you can apply to your writing and don't just follow the "rulebook". Take critiques lightly and understand when someone is critiquing and they know what they're talking about and people who just like to hear themselves type.

11. What your absolute favourite candy?

Sour punch straws!!!

12. Laptop or desktop computer?


13. Do you know how to dance? If not, would you like to learn?

Yes, I do and I love it.

14. What is your favourite season and why?

Winter. I love the look of fresh snow and I love bundling up in cold weather.

15. What is one of the greatest compliment you’ve ever received? (Doesn’t have to be writing related)

People always tell me that I have a beautiful smile. I'm starting to believe them :)

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