Interview 5: EpicRandomness

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Seriously such an awesome story with a super nice author. Go check it out everyone =)

1.     What is one message you wanted to portray in your story “I Sort of Love You?”

The message I want to portray is that there is really, definitely someone who's out there for you, even if you haven't met them yet. I want to tell people that everyone will have the great love of their lives if they just look in the right places.

2.     Was this story inspired by anything?

Yes, by my classmate when I was a freshman. We weren't really anything, just friends, but he was such a ladies' man and doesn't take any of the girls seriously and I keep telling him that a girl would really get him one day. Well, one finally did. Hahaha! I got Travis' personality from him. His name is Joshua.

3.     Who was your favourite character in the story?

Avery, because I put some really precious bits of myself in her - like being a nerdy sort of person, Potterhead, having acrophobia and such.

4.     Was this was hard story for you to write?

Not really, since the setting is in high school, I just breezed through it. It's easy to write something when you have an experience of it's background, and the other minor characters came from the persona of my close friends.

5.     Did the story go according to plan, or did something change along the way?

The ending! Hahaha, I won't spoil anyone, but the ending wasn't what even I expected.

6.     Do you think you’re similar to any of your characters?

Yes, because I think every writer puts something of themselves inside every story, whether they're aware of it or not. I put lots of myself to Avery, though.

7.     Do you think you could ever be friends with your characters?

YES! You seriously don't know how many times I wished they were actual people who I could talk to in person, but since they were inspired by real people, I have to be content with that.

8.     What is the one thing you hate the most about writing?

When you suddenly lack inspiration and you question yourself why you're even bothering. But I try my best not to lose those inspirations so I can keep on writing. I actually joined the school paper, to remind myself that I can still write even if I'm busy. If that makes sense, hahaha.

9.     What is the best thing about writing?

The writing itself. It's just this indescribable feeling you get when you create your own characters and make a whole, new world yourself. It's amazing that you can control every single detail in that world

10.  Any tips for wanna be writers?

Don't hold back and just unleash everything! Then, proofread. Hahahaha!

11.  What your absolute favourite drink?

Guava fruit shake and the Black Magic Milk Tea from this tea shop called 360. Or did you mean liquor? Hahahaha! I actually don't drink. Yet.

12.  Are you a lotion user or a body butter user?

This is really weird, but I promised myself to apply lotion every single morning before going to school but then, poof. Projects, stress and assignments came in, I guess, and I place them at higher priority than lotion.

13.  Do you ice skate? If you don’t, do you want to learn how?

Why is this so random?! Okay, I don't know how to do it (I know, I suck) but I really want to learn. Like, really really. But sadly, there's no winter season here, so maybe I'll ride a horse instead. Hahahaha!

14.  What is your favourite color and why

Any shade of blue and green, but I have a special love for sky blue. I don't know with blue and green - I don't have any reason at all, actually I just love them - but sky blue because the first character I ever made was named Sky. He's a guy, okay, and sky blue reminds me of him.

15.  What is one of the greatest compliment you’ve ever received? (Doesn’t have to be writing related) 

Well, Clio, my friend, told me that I was one of a kind, and that it's rare to meet people like me just about anywhere. I was like whoa and struck speechless when she said that; she just told me out of nowhere. I love her sooooo much. <3

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