Interview 4: SeizetheDay0110

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So Escape is a fantasy/adventure story, and as always, the external link will bring you right to it! This author was recommended for me to interview so I hope you all enjoy it =)

1.         Is “Escape” something that came to you in on instance or something that you gradually started to develop?

Well, actually, the concept came to me in a dream--yes, it sounds cliche but it's true. Anyway, I wrote it in a dream journal, and when I had been browsing my files, I read it again and thought, "well, that would make some twistedly awesome story!"

2.        Who happens to be your character bias in the story? Is there a particular reason?

Well, I actually really liked Rory, 'cause she's so adorable! I just love kids, that's why I put Reuel in, but Rory's still number one for me :D

3.        Is there a character in “Escape” that somehow managed to become more important than you intended?

Nikos for sure is a character that became more important than I intended. I mean, I had planned that he'd just be someone that Solaris knows, but then he just somehow threw all that intention out the window, you know what I mean?

4.        Is there a character you regret creating?

Not really. I create all my characters with a particular intention, and a particular purpose. One came close, though. I nearly regretted creating Andrea.

5.        Is there someone in your personal life that has had an effect on your writing?

My dad, I guess. We've traveled around a lot because of my dad's job in the Armed Forces (he's a soldier) and I've gained a lot of experience from that.

6.        What is one scene you are particularly proud of?

The scene Solaris had with Reuel! I really wanted a relatively emotional scene, and I thought I wouldn't be able to achieve that. When I read through it, though, I was quite surprised.

7.        What has kept you from deleting this story (if you ever had the urge to)?

Mee (ch4rmed) and pickaboo, they're quite supportive, really, those two :) I'm so lucky that I became friends with them. They're constantly urging me on, never to give up

8.        How much has the story changed from your initial start point?

It's changed so much! There are turns and twists that I never intended. It was actually supposed to be just a paranormal story, and it just became a fantasy one. I'm actually amazed at how much it's grown.

9.        Where do you find inspiration to write some of your scenes? Are you energetic when you write the action scenes?

I get the inspiration from watching movies, and from reading other books, or from experience. The fight scenes were particularly hard, but I managed, I'm so giddy until I write the scene down. I get the inspiration from those when I watch my brothers wrestle or do judo.

10.      Any tips for wanna be writers?

There may be stories in your head that just want to pop out, so let them! It seems like you're discovering things about yourself when you write, and that's a beautiful way of self discovery. Don't ever be discouraged, or feel as if you're writing isn't good enough, but if you do, take comfort in the fact that great writers, like JRR Tolkien or JK Rowling went through the same things, and if they didn't persevere, where would we be now?

11.       What musical instrument do you play? (If you don’t have any, which one would you like to learn to play?)

I play the guitar and flute, though I can't say that I'm very proficient in them. I'd like to have learned to play the piano or the violin.

12.      Do you have a few favourite authors? Either published or on wattpad.

JRR Tolkien, JK Rowling, Tamora Pierce just to name a few. They're quite inspiring, especially if it's a fantasy world you'd like to build.

13.      Would you consider yourself artistic? Do you draw, or paint?

Actually, before being a writer--I use this term loosely--I consider myself an artist. If I didn't have such an overwhelming urge to become a doctor, I would have taken up Fine Arts in college.

14.      What is your idea of a perfect weekend?

Hmm. That's a hard one. A perfect weekend? I guess having friends over and having a movie marathon of either Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter (I've done both, mind you). With, of course, great food.

15.      Are you more of a chocolate girl, or would you prefer flowers? 

Chocolate, definitely. Darn, I just can't stay away from those even though, according to my swimming diet, I shouldn't be eating them -_-

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