Chapter 16: Movie

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The next day, Sora was waiting for Admiral Hipper at the docks so they could head to the mainland. He heard footsteps behind him and turned around. The commander was speechless. Hipper stood a couple of metres away wearing a simple red dress. It was simple but perfect at the same time.

'So, how do I look?' Hipper spun in a circle.

Sora managed only one word. 'Beautiful.'

Admiral Hipper blushed and she walked up to Sora. 'So, are we going now?'


The two of them arrived at the theatre some time later (I would have gone into more detail but I'm tired). They walked in and Sora lined up to get tickets. Meanwhile, Hipper wondered over to the area where there were large containers of gummy bears, marshmallows, popcorn, drinks and a bunch of other nice stuff. The commander found her staring at the slushy machine (Here's an image of one for people who have no idea what I'm talking about \/) 

A/N: The image breaks the story so I can't put it in. If you don't know what a slushy machine is, look it up.

'You want some?' Hipper nodded. 'Alright then.' Sora grabbed two cups and filled them. He didn't have to ask what flavour Hipper wanted because there was only one. The commander also bought a large bucket thingy of popcorn. 'I don't feel like have a smaller one all to myself so I thought we could share.' Admiral Hipper nodded as they walked into the cinema room thing.

'Ah, that was a good movie.' Sora stretched as they emerged from the theatre. Once again, I would have gone into more detail if I wasn't tired.

'Yeah, it was.'

'Hey, do you wanna get some lunch while we're here?'


Hipper sat next to Sora on a bench in a park as they ate their lunch. 'Yesterday, I had to ask Belfast for some help with this.' Hipper knew that this could have negative consequences but she thought that Sora would find it amusing.

'Y'know, I asked someone for help as well.'

Admiral Hipper wasn't expecting that. 'Who?'

'Clevebro. She helped me a lot.'

'What did she help you with, specifically?'

'What I should wear. I wanted to wear a t-shirt and shorts but she didn't let me. Apparently because normal people don't wear that stuff in winter.'

Hipper laughed. She decided against telling Sora what Belfast had helped her with because this was more amusing. 'Remember that story you told me ages ago? The one about how you used to eats tons of sugar as a kid?'

'Oh, yeah! Why?'

'Please can you tell me another one?'

'Sure. So back when I was in high school, I had this really good friend and we were both epic memers. One day he decided to make a bunch of useless folders on his laptop. Those innocent folders turned into a massive labyrinth within months.' Hipper was already laughing.

'But wait, that's not the end. So that was at the end of the year, right? After the six week end of year break, when we got back to school, he couldn't navigate the labyrinth. That was an issue because all of his work was stored at the end of the labyrinth. Because of this, he spent several days relearning the correct path through the labyrinth.'

When Sora was finished, Admiral Hipper was laughing so hard that she was crying at the same time. Somehow, Sora managed to calm Hipper down enough to get her back to the Outpost safely.

A/N: I was really tired today. That's why the language was technical and the detail was very good.

The Betrayed Commander and The Abandoned Tsundere (Azur Lane: Origins 1)Where stories live. Discover now