Chapter 12: Feelings

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It was yet another peaceful day at the Outpost. It was also another boring day; there was only so much you could do at the place. Because of this, on most days, at least a few ships visited the mainland to find something to do. This, however, is a fact completely irrelevant to tonight's chapter.

Sora was relaxing in his room like he did sometimes. (A/N: right now I just had an epic idea on where this chapter could go instead of where it was going so I'll use it.) It had been around a week since he humiliatingly fell back into his bed after trying to get up to find something for a drink. In this space of time, the commander had taken up a new hobby; modelling. Thanks to plot convenience, he was naturally very good at this.

When he started modelling earlier that week, he had been drawn to a relatively simple warship snap-kit thing. It wasn't like LEGO or stuff like that, the kit just didn't need glue and paint to complete it.

After the success of the first kit, Sora looked for a harder-difficulty kit. Also thanks to plot convenience, he stumbled across a kit for the WWII Admiral Hipper. Not wanting to waste this chance, he pounced on the kit like a cat with mice.

Several days, a lot of painting and a huge amount of time in his room alone, Sora was ready to put the whole thing together; along with painting the necessary parts, he glued the smaller ones together so that he had chunks of the kit that needed gluing together. The main chunks consisted of the hull, multiple other parts of the superstructure that I can't be bothered to look up and all the guns.

With a feeling of immense joy and a large smile on his face, Sora was about to begin the final assembly of the kit, as the last of the glue had dried, when there was a knock on his door.

Admiral Hipper, having not been impressed by Sora shutting himself in his room for extended periods of time each day for the past week, decided to investigate. She walked down the hallway towards the door to the commander's room and knocked.

A chair could be heard scraping against the floor inside the room and a not-very-amused Sora answered the door. Upon seeing that it was Hipper who knocked on his door, the expression on the commander's face softened considerably. 'Do you need anything, Hipper?'

'U-um, I was just wondering why you're in your room so much lately so I decided to find out.'

Sora smiled. 'You could've asked earlier, Hipper. If you did, I would have told you straight away. Anyway, come in. Make sure you don't bump my desk though.'

Hipper was slightly confused by this statement. Once she entered the room, Admiral Hipper immediately noticed the mid-assembly model on Sora's desk.

'Come over here,' he told her as he sat down. Before Hipper could say anything, Sora continued, 'This is what I've been doing; painting and assembling this kit of the WWII German heavy cruiser, the Admiral Hipper.' The commander smiled at her again and she didn't know how to respond to that. 'You're just in time for the final assembly.' Again, Hipper didn't say anything and just nodded.

Sora turned back to the kit but before he could resume, he felt something touch his left shoulder. It hurt slightly. He turned to see Admiral Hipper had dragged the other chair over to the desk and was sitting very close to Sora. She was staring intently at the kit. The commander didn't question her actions or mention her cute concentration face and returned his focus to the kit.

Hipper watched as Sora slowly and carefully attached the parts of the superstructure to the hull. He added the turrets and held it up so that it appeared to be sparkling. The commander glanced at Hipper. Her face was lit up; she clearly liked the model.

'That is so cool,' she almost whispered.

'You can hold it if you want but you'd have to be extra careful because not only is it delicate, but the glue is still drying.'

Admiral Hipper shook her head. 'I feel like I'll drop it or break something if I hold it,' she responded. Sora lowered the model onto a custom stand he had tried making earlier. The stand actually worked well enough to keep the ship upright.

Since the kit was done and there was nothing else to do, Sora began chatting with Hipper. They talked about all kinds of things and the whole time, both of them had the warm feeling in their chest again. It was gradually getting stronger.

Later the same day, Bismarck found Admiral Hipper in the common room of the dorm. She seemed to be thinking very hard about something. Bismarck sat in the chair next to Hipper's and it took a while for Hipper to notice Bismarck. 'H-how long have you been there, Bismarck?' Admiral Hipper was a little flustered.

'Just a couple of minutes. What were you thinking about so intensely that you didn't even notice my presence?'

'W-well, ah, it's kind of complicated...'

'Try me.'

'Alright. S-so lately when I've been around S-sora, I've had this feeling in my chest. Like I'm really happy when I'm near him.'

Bismarck smiled and stood up. 'Well that, my friend,' she said as she turned around. 'Would be love.'

A/N: I think a few people might like this story.

A/N: I think a few people might like this story

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