Chapter 5

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Louis watched the gears turning in the boy's head, could see the realization in his eyes. Confusion turned to pain that quickly morphed into an intense rage. Harry was livid.

"Eleanor? Eleanor?! You're leaving me for Eleanor?!" Louis watched as Harry continued to pace around the bedroom, yelling and tugging at his hair while guilt choked Louis. Sure, he was angry now, but Louis couldn't imagine how hurt he would be when Harry finally calmed down. It was several minutes before Harry finally fell on the bed, curling into the fetal position and sobbing loudly. Louis felt a lump rise in his throat. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, extending his arm out to gently rub his hands along Harry's side down to his hip and back up again, exhaling in relief when he didn't pull away.

"Look Harry," Louis started to speak but was cut off.

"Don't," Harry said, sniffling as he sat up to glare at Louis. His eyes were red and swollen, tears continuing to stream down his face.

"Baby, just let me explain I-"

"I don't want your explanation!" Harry's voice was loud, making Louis jump a little in surprise. It had been a while since he had heard Harry yell at him, and he didn't want to go back to the times when it was the only way Harry talked to him...

Harry moved to get up, and Louis panicked, quickly grabbing him around the waist, ignoring Harry's screams and protest to let him go. Louis finally got Harry on his back, pinning him down so he was incapable of moving.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Harry thrashed around, his back arching as he tried to get out of Louis' grip. His breath was ragged due to how much energy he was using.

"I need you to talk to me and let me explain." Harry stayed quite, chest rising and falling quickly. "It's not what you think." Harry raised an eyebrow in question but remained silent.

"I'm not leaving you." Harry's eyes widened and narrowed almost immediately afterwards. "I don't support those polyandrous relationships, Louis." His voice leaked with venom and hurt. Louis sighed and shook his head in frustration. "Me Either."

"Than wha-"

"It' protect our relationship." Harry stared at him in confusion, but there was no longer anger in his gaze.

"Simon said the band was getting bad publicity because of everything with Zayn and Logan and it's not good for the fanbase if everyone thinks the entire band is gay and he decided that if one of the members was to get into a serious, long-term relationship with a female then it'd help the rumors and then he had this genius idea to bring Eleanor back into the picture because it was pretty bad when we broke up, all the fans loved her, and we could play off all the gay shenanigans as me just missing her and not knowing how to cope."

Louis watched Harry as the younger of the two tried to scrutinize exactly what Louis meant. It was silent for a long time before Harry finally spoke.

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