Chapter 7

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Louis sat down and Harry immediately followed suit, laying his legs across Louis' lap, wanting to be in contact with him as often as physically possible. Louis patted his leg and smiled softly at him before returning his attention to the boys.

"Alright, I want Liam's gift first." It seemed safe, Louis thought.

He was right. There was a very sweet card, which Louis picked on him mercilessly for. The handwritten words made Louis smile on the inside though he'd ever admit it. Along with the card was a simple framed picture of all the boys together, including Harry. It was a picture Louis had taken of them all when he first got his fancy, expensive camera.

Louis couldn't help the smile that spread across his face. He was speechless as he looked at it.

Liam took his silence as distaste for the gift.

"We've got all the money in the world, so I went for something sentimental..." He began to explain himself.

Louis sat the gift down and leaned over, pulling Liam into a tight hug, burying his face in the crook of the taller boys neck.

"I love it, and you. All of you, so shut up."

He chuckled along with everyone else. Liam patted his back, silently telling Louis he could let him go now. Louis sat up and was handed Niall's gift next. A signed picture of David Beckham.

Louis had a new prized possession.

After an especially nice coat and a comfy hoodie from Harry, it was time for Zayn's gift.

After the sweet and ever so thoughtful gifts from the rest of the lads, Louis forgot just how mischievous Zayn was for about two seconds, until he picked up the gift and Liam shouted at him to wait.

Louis looked at him, one eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"Open it when you're alone. Please."

Niall and Zayn groaned. After much pleading from both sides, Louis decided to trust Liam's judgement. He grabbed Harry's hand and as the two boys walked up the stars, he could hear Zayn fussing at Liam.

"How could you? That was my moment!"

"It's sadistic to do that to someone!" Liam snapped back.

Zayn huffed. "S'not sadistic. You're just too damn kind."

Louis shut the door to his bedroom just as Niall burst out in laughter.

They sat on their bed and Louis just stared at the neatly wrapped box, studying the pattern of the wrapping paper in silence. Harry glanced from the gift to Louis every half a second or so before the silence got to him.

"Just open it!"

Louis jumped at the sound of his voice, but he grabbed the gift and ripped the paper off of it, lifting the lid. He felt a burning sensation spread from his cheeks to the very tip of his toys as he gazed at the contents it contained.

He didn't immediately look up to gauge Harry's reaction, worried he'd see disgust, but when he did eventually look up, the boy didn't look disgusted, no, not at all.

He just looked confused. He picked up the lacy black panties and analyzed them for a few seconds before speaking.

"I wonder if Zayn knows he picked up the wrong box. Someone else got your gift, Lou. I'm sorry."

He looked genuinely upset, and Louis couldn't help but laugh. He'll never understand how Harry remains so innocent.

"Harry, love, This isn't the wrong gift."

All is fair in Love and War : The Sequel to 'Come Back, Kitten'Where stories live. Discover now