Chapter 9

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Louis ran up to the front door, flinging it open and, after a quick glance around the living room, rushed upstairs and into him and Harry's bedroom. He found the room empty, and was immediately filled with worry, until he saw the steam coming from the crack in the bathroom door.

Louis crossed the room and knocked twice on the door to let his presence be known before he opened it fully and walked in. He saw Harry sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest, his face buried in his arms. He didn't look up at the sound of Louis' entrance.

"Harry?" No response. Louis' stress levels heightened.

"Kitten?" The boy sniffled.

"Can I come sit with you?"

Louis waited for a response, not taking his silence for an answer. Eventually, the boy nodded meekly, never looking up. Louis stripped his clothing slowly before brushing his fingertips across Harry's shoulder to let him know that he needed to move forward. Harry understood and did so, making room for Louis to join him. He sat down and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, pulling him against his chest. Harry shivered from the warmth of Louis' chest rushing into him.

"Love, you're freezing."

Harry still did nothing to acknowledge the fact that Louis was there. Regardless, Louis grabbed a rag and dropped it in the warm water before running it over Harry's skin. After Louis wet Harry's back and arms, he placed a loving kiss to his shoulder and then right before his ear.

"I need you to lean back, please."

Louis dropped his arms from Harry and waited patiently to see if the boy would do as he asked. He hesitated and visibly stiffened. Louis furrowed his eyebrows, confused as to why he would be acting this way. The only thing he could connect this mood to is the phone call from when he was with Eleanor.

"Harry..." he didn't expect a response so he kept going, "Are you upset with me for spending time with Eleanor? I thought we got passed this. It's just a stu-"

"What did you do?"

Louis jumped at the sound of his voice. "uhm, what do you mean?"

Harry lifted his head for the first time and Louis saw exhaustion etched into his features. "You and Eleanor, on your date. What did you do?"

Louis looked confused and his eyes scanned Harry's voice before he spoke. "Well, uhm, we went to get coffee this morning, had a nice chat, and then I drove her home so I could come see you."

"The paps saw you guys. They took a lot of pictures."

Again, Louis was left confused. Why would that bother him so badly? That was the goal, wasn't it? "I know, Love. That's why we went out. You know how publicity stunts work. They're pointless if you don't get papped."

This made Harry chuckle, but it was laced with bitterness.

Louis' heart ached. "Harry, please, tell me what's wrong."

Harry shook his head and twisted his body to face Louis, settling himself comfortably in between his legs, thighs on either side of his waist. Their bodies were pressed so closely together, their chests were flush together. Louis didn't have time to object before Harry's lips attacked his with a force great enough to bruise.

It was pretty much a blur after that, a mess of breathy moans and demanding hands pulling at hair and gripping each other's bodies tightly.

It was afterwards, when the two boys were dried off and snuggled up in bed that Harry finally told him what was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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