Big Shoes to Fill

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3 days later

April tossed candy into goody bags as she watched Harriet jumping on the bounce house. She had been talking to herself for a solid minute, asking herself what she could do if she saw someone be mean to Harriet, but whatever plan she had come up with was never used since Harriet didn't seem to get pushed into that situation.

April sighed alone, as she sat on the wooden bench as parents around her had their own conversations. Her eyes would shuffle between watching Harriet play in the bouncy house and Jackson make a bunch of parents laugh as they stood by the grill. Jackson was always so charming and had a way to attract people, something April clearly couldn't do. When Pete had invited her to his kid's party, she never in a million years thought he would too invite Jackson. She had no idea their relationship went past patient and doctor. Jackson always seemed able to connect with people in a way April couple.

She watched as a very flirty mom placed her hand on Jackson's arm. April rolled her eyes, unable to watch people gape over the existence of her ex. She placed the reminder candy in one bag, before standing up and walking into the house. She smiled politely as people she only kind of knew, before reaching the kitchen. She let out a large breath of air once she was finally alone. That didn't last long.

"Are you okay?"

April turned around to see Jackson slowly walking to the kitchen. Her eyes widen. "Did you follow me? Who's watching Harriet?"

"She'll be fine," he assured her.

"No, Jackson, she might not. There's a lot of people here who we don't know." April started walking out of the kitchen towards the backyard, but Jackson stopped her. He had his arm out. She stopped walking, looking out towards the backyard.

"She'll be fine," he said.

April could feel his eyes on her. She chose not to meet his eyes as she turned around back further into the kitchen. She stood in front of the island, using it to keep her distance from Jackson. Ever since she had found out that Jackson is single, things had been weird between the two. Jackson has become more forward towards her, looking at her like she was made from the sun itself without any shame or even trying to hide it. It was different than before. Though April allowed a small moment of affection, she thought there would never be anything more. Now, though, it felt possible and that scared her.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked.

"Oh, you know,," she said. She grabbed an open bag of bread, beginning to close it.

Jackson leaned against the island. "Are you sure you're not trying to avoid me?"

"What? Of course not. What makes you say such a silly thing?"

"I don't know. Maybe the fact that you can't look me in the eye." April tried to look him in the eye but quickly looked away. "See," Jackson said.

April let her shoulders drop. "Well, maybe I could look you in the eye if you stopped looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like the way you do, Jackson. Don't act like you don't know what you're doing. I was married to you, remember? I know that look."

"I don't mean to. It just kind of happens when I look at you, April."

April burst out laughing. "Really?"


"It just happens when I look at you, April?" she mocked. "What the hell does that even mean?"

"Don't act stupid."

"I'm not."

"You know what that means."

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