Old Friend

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Disclaimer: All rights belong to Shonda Rhimes, I only own my 'plot'.


She turned the chart over, looking at the notes left by the other doctors. "Well, Pete, looks like you're going to be just fine." April smiled up at her old friend she met what seemed like ages ago, fighting to give soldiers a chance. "You can tell your kids you'll make it to their birthday party."

Pete raised his use-to-be-burn arm, a sidewise smile spreading across his face. "And who shall I thank that too?"

"Dr. Avery of course, though, you should just say a superhero instead. I'm sure Jackson won't mind having his credit taken by a fictional hero if it was to make a kid smile."

"Speaking about Avery, have you talked to him?"

April sighed, taking a seat next to him. "No. I went by his place last night, but Maggie answered the door instead. I decided it was best if I just try another time, or maybe not at all."


"I just feel like Jackson is trying so hard to burry a hole, and I just keep digging it back up for my own selfish reason, and I've already hurt him enough." She leaned her head against her arm. "Pete, I don't think I have the right to do this to him. He's happier, I can see it."

"Happier doesn't mean happy, April. Besides, no matter how much he tries to bury that hole, it will never be fully filled. You will always be a part of his life no matter where you go."

April stared over at her much older friend, sticking her tongue. "No," she finally mumbled, "what I'm doing isn't right. I'm not going to take what Jackson has tried so hard to build just to get some kind of closure. I care about him too much to do that to him." She placed the card down on the table, knowing she was right- it hurt her, but it couldn't be helped. "Not again. I have to let him go."

She took a moment to rub her face with her hands, trying hard to keep her eyes dry, but it was much harder than she thought it could be. Everything felt so force. How April and Jackson have handled the situation- well, they barely did. And now that she has decided to let him go, there was nothing more she could do.

Pete reached his hands over, pulling her into his arms, wrapping them around to comfort her as best as he could. Just feeling someone's hands around her, gave her the opportunity to just let go of everything.

This was it.

This was how her epic love story ends.

Dear Reader,

Don't you worry your pretty little Japril head, this is not the end. Come back.

From the one and only,


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