Chapter 29

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3rd P.O.V

Eve, Ale, and Nene were all in the kitchen. They were listening to music and talking.

Ale: Have you talked to Gayoon

Eve: Uhh, yea. She's been sick with some stomach virus

Ale: Oh. I hope she gets better

They quieted down when the guys walked in.

Chunji: Did you guys just die. Don't stop talking when we come in *sits next to nene*

Nene: *looks at him*

Chunji: *kisses her cheek*

Neil: Ew ew please. Spare us

Chunji: *chuckles*

Ale: *whispering in Eve's ear*

Eve: *laughs*

C.A.P: What's so funny??

Ale: Nothing. Come on Evee

Eve: *gets up following Ale*

Joe: What's their problem?

Nene: *smirks, leaning into chunji* Nothing. They're...girls

Eve: *walks back in* Yah Christopher!!

Chris: What??

Eve: You talking to Fei now??

Chris: Yea, so.

C.A.P: Huh Chasity? Schedules. We're coming!!

The guys all quickly ran out of the kitchen. Ale walked back in and sat next to Nene.

Eve: Chris, i don't want you talking to her

Chris: Wae??

Eve: I'm trying to protect you Chris, just listen to me

Chris: Look Evee. I love you and thank you but i think i can handle myself and who i talk to doesn't concern you

Eve: You don't understand oppa. Just don't talk to her. I hot a bad feeling about this

Chris: I'll be fine. It's not like I'm gonna cheat on Gayoon. Just trust me okay

Eve: -sighs- Be careful okay. And if that bitch tries anything, I'm coming after her

Chris: -laughs- Okay Evee. -kisses her cheek- I'm gonna go. Yoonie just text me. Bye!

Ale: Mmhmm

Nene: Peace


Neil: Minnie
Eve: Ne Pickles??
Neil: Gayoon is here to see you

Eve squealed and quickly ran downstairs. Everyone was sitting in the living room watching tv. She ignored them walking straight to Gayoon and hugged her tightly

Gayoon: -smiles, hugging back- Hey Evee. I need to talk to private

Gayoon looked down. She had on sweatpants and one of Chris' old t-shirt. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were stained

'Was she crying' Eve looked at her weird

She looked up and seen everyone looking at them. Eve grabbed Gayoon's hand and pulled her in the kitchen

Eve: What's up
Gayoon: They're not listening....right?
Eve: I don't think so but just incase, pig latin

(Pig Lating is a form of language that's been made up. It's where you take the first letter of the word and put it at the end of the word and add 'ey' to it.

Chunji = hunjicey
Changjo = hangjocey
Ricky = ickeyrey)

Gayoon: Osey ouyey nowkey owhey 'veiey eenbey icksey

(So you know how i've been sick)

Eve: yea

Gayoon: miey regnantpey

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