Chapter 21

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Adeline P.O.V

When we got to the mall, we met Gayoon Nuna there. I don't know why but all I know is were getting make overs.

Gayoon: Okay girls. You need my help and I know exactly what to do.  Come on

She grabbed us and pulled us into this store (?). Her, Evee, and Ale grabbed a bunch of clothes and pushed me into fitting room. The first outfit I put on was a short black and white stripped dress. It was see through at the top though. I walked out the fitting room so the girls could see

Ale: Hmmm Ani

Eve: Aniya

Gayoon: Aniyo! Next

Well then. I went back into the fitting room and put on another sress. What's up with the dresses Aish. This one was ugly. Who even put it in the stack. It was short in the front and long in the back but had rips at the top and diamonds at the bottom. I walked out for the SECOND time so they could see

Ale: Ewwwwww

Gayoon: Who even put that in the pile?

Eve: I was just grabbing whatever was in my way. Mian

Gayoon: You must have went to the "Non Wanted" pile because that thing there is HID-E-OUS

Ale: Go back in there and take that thing off before I die

Eve: Hush and stop being over dramatic. You can go change Nene

Me: Ne~

Wow. I guess this thing really is ugly. I took off the dress and found some black high waiste  shorts. Yay, no more dresses, not that I have anything against them. I found a white shirt that said 'WANTED' on it. I put it on and stuffed my shirt in the pants.  I like this one. So help me if the girls don't choose this one

Ale: Nene, come on out

Me: Don't rush Aish. -walks out-

Eve: -squeals- That's the one. Right Nuna

Gayoon: Ne~ We're getting this one.

Me: NE~~~~~~

I changed back into my regular clothes an we went to the register until Evee seen some shoes. They were white wedges. Usually, I don't do shoes like those but I'll let it slide the time.

Me: Hey, what about you guys?

Gayoon: Don't worry, I got them covered.

Ale: Great, now lets go get your hair done

Me: What, I like my hair how it is. What's wrong with it now

Eve: Baby calm down, don't fret. Yiur hair is beautiful buutttt we're gonna get ya some highlights

Me: I don't know guys

The pulled me into this fancy salon. I sat in the chair and immediately,  people started working on me.

Gayoon: Don't worry sweetie. I come here. Don't stress, relax.

Me: -sighs- Ne~


Eve P.O.V

While we waited till Nene was done, Gayoon Nuna said we should get ready too and that she already had our outfits. Oh well, I decided to get my hair straighten sunce is been curly all my life. And I got my nails done. Ale hair is still straigh my curled in a few different places. She also got her nails done. I hope whatever the surprise C.A.P and L.Joe got for us better be worth it.

Ale: Come on Evee, she's done

Me: Arasso

Nene: Well, how do I look??

Me: Oh So

Gayoon: Fabulous -squeals-

Ale: Do you guys to that a lot?

Us: Eh~

When we were done, we all decided to go to 4Minutes dorm to get ready. When we got there, I Seen Christopher Oppa being a lazy ass

Me: Yah, even at eomeone else dorm, your on your ass

Chris: Hello to you too Evevil

Gayoon: Hush Chris, don't aggravate the girls

Chris: Unbelievable.  Even my own girlfriend thinks your the innocent one

Me: Oh and you are


Me: Exactly

Gayoon: Hahaha, come on and get ready with everyone else Minnie.

Me: Ne Nuna

I walked back to her room and seen Ale and Nene already dressed. Oh Mer Gawd Chunji's gonna love us. We made Nene look ASDFGHJKL;×3.

Ale had on a blue short dress. It was cute yet simple and it really brought our her curves. Nuna brought me my dress and it was fan-tab-u-lous (haha what??) It was short in the front and lingbin the back. It was peach and kind of see through that the bottom. I put it on took thousands of selcas in it with the rest of the girls.

Gayoon: Okay Minnie, you HAVE to wear make up

Me: The fuck. The day I wear make up is the day I die.

Nene: Come on Evee. Just some eyeliner and mascara.  You don't even have to put on eyeshadow like Ale and I

Me: I don't know

Ale: -sits on me-  Your not going anywhere till we put this make-up on you

Me: What the hell. Get this thing off of me

Gayoon: Sorry Minnie but you Must Have Make-up on.

Me: -hisses- Fine. Hurry up

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