Living With Teen Top

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Eve P.O.V

Hey, I'm Eve. Or Evee. I'm 17 and crazy, wierd, and Shy. I'm moving fro New York to Seoul, Korea. My mom said that we're staying with her bestfriend. Turns out, she's a manager for a famous kpop group called Teen Top. My mom's name is Larrizza. My dad sadly died while fighting cancer. He lost his battle but he is still here with us. I know he is. We finaly landed and took a cab to my mom's friend's place.

Mom: You do remeber your Auntie Chasity right??

Me: Yes mom. But don't you think it would be weird for us staying with her and 6 boys

Mom: Nonsense hunny. She said we could stay there and the boys are friendly. Okay.

Me: Okay Umma. Anything you say.

We came to our stop and when we got out the cab, I gasped at rhe house. It was huge and most beautiful. Then Aunt Chasity came out the house and ran to mom.

Mom: Oma Chasity, you look amazing.

And the place is gorgeous.

Aunt Chasity: Thank you. Omo, is this my little Evee.

Me: Yes ma'am.

Aunt Chasity: Come give me a hug love.

I gave her a hug then we walked in the house. I nearly fell at what I saw. The house was amazing. Then 3 really good looking guys came downstairs. Out of all of Teen Top, you only knew on. Which was Niel. Aunt Chasity was is aunt, so you guys grew up together. That's until he became famous and moved.

Aunt Chasity: Good. Come here guys. This is Eve and her mom Larrizza. And this is Ricky, Changjo, and Chunji

Us: hi

Them: Hey

Aunt Chasity: Guys, show Eve ger room please while me and your Auntie Larrizza catch up

We walked up the spiral case stairs. Did I mention I wear glasses. Well yes, I wear glasses. I started to study the boys features. How Ricky has blue hair and his baby face that makes him so adorable. Changjo's red hair and his big black eyes that mad him look mysterious but yet sensitive. And how Chunji has pretty big black eyes also but his pink luscious lip. These boys are oh so amazing. I was to busy thinking and trip. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but never felt anything. I opened my eyes only to see baby face Ricky saved me. He smiled at me showing his pearly whites

Ricky: Be careful next time princess

Me: -blushes- O-Okay.

He helped me up and we walked into my room. It was purple and black. My fav colors. And the room was huge. Bigger than the apartment me and my mom had.

Me: Thanks guys. I can take it from here.

Changjo: I'm next door if you need me. Ricky is across from you and Chunji is two doors down.

Me: Okay. Thanks again.

Chunji: Anytime.

I got settled in and walked downstairs. I seen two guys sitting on the couch watching t.v. but one had a really pretty girl sitting by them.

Me: I'm sorry, but do one of you know where my mom and Aunt Chasity are.

???: They went out. You must be Eve.

Me: Yes.

???: I'm Bang Min Soo. But call me C.A.P.

Me: Well, nice to meet you C.A.P

C.A.P: Oh and thus is my girlfriend Ale.

Ale: Hi

Me: Hi

I looked at the other boy sitting on the chair. He acted as if I wasn't there.

C.A.P: Oh, and that's L.Joe. Don't mind him. He isn't very happy with new people moving in.

Me: It's fine.

Someone walked downstairs singing. That voice. That voice sounds to familiar.

Me: Pickles?!?!

???: -gasp- Minnie?!?!

Me: -runs and jumps on him- Omo, Niel I missed you so much.

Niel: Same here Evee. -squeezs her-

Ale: You guys know eachother?

Me: Yes. We were childhood besties. Until Pickles had to move.

C.A.P: Oh. how come you call him Pickles??

Me: Oh, that. When we were younger, we had a food fight and instead of throwing the pickles, this fool ate them.

Niel: Why waste perfectly good pickles?? L.Joe??

L.Joe: Yes.

Niel: Are you being nice to Minnie.

L.Joe: Eh. -walks out-

Niel: Excuse him Minnie.

Me: It's okay.

The rest of the time, me and Niel sat and catched up and told the guys stories about how we always use to terrorize eachother just for a laugh.

AN:/ Heyyo. How's the story so far. There might be errors. I'm too lazy to go back threw it. Minhae. please Vote, Comment, And Share. It would mean alot!!! Thank Chu


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