Chpt. 4 The Reaping pt. 1

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A/N Hey guyyyyys! :) this is going to be a long chapter so I'm going to do it in two parts, then it will be quicker to load. Hope you enjoy it! Btw there may be some confusing scenes but you will figure out what they mean later in the book... Enjoy!! xx


I'm now in desperate need of coffee. I go to collect my phone and keys plus a book so that I could start my trip to my favourite little cafe, which I happen to have landed a job at, 'Polly's Pastrié'. According to their online menu, they are having a special called Princess Latte, which is basically mixed berries, coconut and milk chocolate. My mouth is watering just thinking of it. But as I walk down the dim hallways, I pass Ella's room, and the door is cracked open. There is a flickering light coming from inside that lures me to the door.

Wondering what a 6 six year old could be doing secretly I peek around, then scoffed in bewilderment at the stunt she has pulled. Somehow, Ella had managed to pull the mini TV from our mum's room to hers, without mum noticing, then plugged it in to the power point where her night light used to be. I glanced at the screen then back at Ella and roll my eyes. She was mouthing and miming the exact actions that the TV reporter was making. They have been playing this report over and over for the past week which delighted Ella, and she 'just HAD to memorise it'. I, however, had always immediately dismissed the add.

Curious, I leaned in a bit more to hear what the reporter was saying. By doing so, I leaned on the door making it creak. Thankfully, Ella was to far buried in whatever this was to notice, so I slipped inside and sat on the ground with my back resting on the wall. "-and at eight o'clock, the two lucky commoners, one female and one male, will be announced. They will be rescued from their dull life and if they succeed in their year at the Academy, they could have a life you didn't know possible. I can guarantee you that!"

Of course, Ella is watching a report on the raffle thing about how someone gets 'the chance of a lifetime' to live in a real life fairy tail. 'Or so they say,' I think snidely. I mean, how come we never see any of the royals except the head royal on rare global emergencies and the reporters? How doesn't anyone else think that's shifty?

I sneak out of Ella's room and think it's time to get some fresh air... and some princess latte. So I continue down the hallway and stop at the stool next to the front door. On it are keys, sunglasses, my purse ect. I grab my duffle bag and throw in my purse some sunny's and I almost popped in my car keys, but instead decided to use my bike. I needed some exercise and the cafe is like only 5 minutes away by bike.

I go to the garage and get out my cruise bike that is mostly teal coloured with daisies and my matching helmet. I just love them, I got them as a pair from the thrift store for like $60. JACKPOT. I checked my watch to see how long I have before the early bird special closes. 8:47am. No problem, I got 13 minutes, but I should get a move on.

I walked out the front gate and straddled the bike seat, then got moving. I love the way it feels when you are going down hill and you don't even have to pedal.

I see a figure watering a garden in the distance. As I get closer I realise who it is and slow down.
"Hi Mrs Frazer!" I shout. The woman looks up at me and smiles.
"Good morning Lukey! I didn't expect you up and about for at least another two hours!" She replied.
"Yeah, well I was feeling like a grande double shot coffee, so I put the effort in."
She laughed,"Well okay! Carry on then. Oh and tell Ella that Carrie would love to have her around again!"
"Okay! Have a good day!" I said, while kicking off again.

That's why I love where I live. We may not be the wealthiest neighbourhood in town, but if riches were shown as character, we would be golden. I stare at the Frazers' letterbox as I go past it. Mrs Frazer loves painting, and she etched beautiful and delicate designs on all the surfaces, and in the sunlight the polished surfaces on the big number 34 shine like a diamond.

With the wind blowing gently on my face as I free-wheel downhill, my main thought was that I would replay this moment all day if I could.

I cycle on for about three minutes stopping to say hello to some friendly people, when I slam on the brakes. Right next to me was the Frazers' household, complete with the same letterbox.
Strange, the road I was on was straight, and I didn't remember taking any turns.

"Hi Mrs Frazer," I say shakily, trying to see if she noticed anything or if I was just hallucinating.
"Good morning Lukey! I didn't expect you up and about for at least another two hours!" She replied.

With slightly accelerated breathing, I check my watch. 8:52am. Sounds about right, I must have daydreamed, taken a wrong turn by mistake and ended up going in a circle.

"Uh, I'd love to stay and chat again,  Mrs Frazer, but I have to get going if I am to get that coffee I was talking about."
"Uhm, okay?" She said confusedly, with a look that screamed 'what are you talking about, child?'. I As I mounted my bike again, Mrs Frazer added," Oh and tell Ella that-"
"-Carrie would love to have her around again!" I finished for her, feeling more and more flustered by the second," Sounds great, Mrs Frazer, but I really do have to go!"

I turned around, leaving Mrs Frazer standing there, with a bewildered look on her face, and a feeling that my face mirrored her expression. I set off again, this time without stopping and I did not make any turns that weren't necessary.

Two minutes later I almost screamed. I was back at the Frazers' household again.
I check my watch.
That time I did scream.

A/N I also wanted to tell you guys that I'm currently overseas and so I only rarely get wi-fi connection. I'll be writing on a word document but I'll only be able to upload every once in a while. Next time will probs be in abt 4 days. :) byeeeeeee

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