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The next few hours are spent enjoying the sun and wave, unwinding in the midst of summer. Everything is so peaceful by the ocean. The longer we spent here, hours felt like minutes and minutes felt like seconds as we soaked in the departing, melting sun.

The waves appear as loving rascals, sun-warmed and sweet, to cover the sands. Adeline watches the sea, lost in the rhythmic percussion of waves washing the sand. Her eyes are steady on the horizon, face aglow with the last orange rays as dusk beckons the stars. Her soft lips bear the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that she is enjoying her thoughts, whatever they may be.

I'd like to know what she's thinking in that little head of hers.

She's always so far away, out of touch with reality. I expect she's thinking about an abundance of things—memories, pain, or even regrets. She's lost up there, in something I'll never know or completely understand.

That is a fact, and I will never truly understand her.

Someone can tell you things about their life and the circumstances which they've dealt with becoming who they are present, but you will never fully understand. You can only imagine. There's no video of the situations they speak of. You can't see how they reacted, how greatly it affected them or what happened exactly. There's no insight or representation of somebody's exact thoughts or memories, just our perception from the words they choose to tell us.

In conclusion, I could ask Adeline what she's thinking about right now, but I will never really know or understand. But I want to know. I want to know what her worst and best day looks like accurately. I want to be there with her in those thoughts she thinks of. I want to see what she sees.

But I can't.

As the waves washed up the shore, I sat there beside Adeline, admiring her raw beauty. She would never see all the things I see, like how she slightly squints her right eye when she's super focused or how she peels back the dry skin from her lips when she's frustrated.

She would never see what I saw.

Adeline has safe eyes, perhaps that's the best way to say it. You can't depict emotion through them; they're just a pair of eyes. All you get from them are a blue sea of strands, nothing more. Though, her face held an unlimited amount of emotion at all times. Adeline could be smiling at the world, while also resembling a broken woman all at once.

It's eerie to look at someone so closely and notice something so fragile and personal. I could just be overthinking it. Adeline may smile while looking miserable in my eyes, but she could be the happiest in those moments. I can't decipher what she's feeling by just looking at her.

That's what made her more intriguing. I never knew what she truly felt because it's too many things at once.

I would never truly understand her, and she knew that. I think she is even using that as an advantage to push me further away, but little does she know she is only pulling me closer and closer.

Adeline's emotions are never hidden, mostly due to the fact that she was confident enough to display them. Her pain is always evident in the crease of her soft brow and the down-curve of her full lips. As I looked into her eyes, I knew, all the beauty of the universe could not even hope to compete with the fascination I have with Adeline Haze. Her eyes are of the brightest fire, though in them, I can read clearly that she has fought her way through the hardships of this life.

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