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{play when Adeline pulls up}
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"Hello? Harry, are you in there?" Gemma dramatically waves her hands in my face. I am unintentionally pulled out of my reverie by her countless efforts to get my undivided attention.

Gemma and I decided to cook dinner tonight as a 'thank you' for our family's hospitality. Plus, I hadn't seen much of Gemma, since we got here, so this would make up for the lost bonding time. She'd been hanging out with her online friends that live here.

Except for today, I am stuck with her.

If there's one thing, you should know about Gemma, it's that she loves to get under your skin even if that meant going to the extremes.

It's been over a week since Margo's, and I still can't get Adeline off of my mind. My mind keeps looping back to her delicate lips and her warm flesh beneath my fingertips. I could reenact that exact moment if I were given the opportunity to, I remember the feeling of her skin and the flavour of her lips. I am going mad. These last few days I've been in denial that it even happened, mainly because Adeline made sure she fell off the face of the earth.

"Yes, I'm present." I roll my eyes, proceeding to chop the carrots on the cutting board.

"What mystical world are you living in? I want in." Gemma collects more vegetables from the fridge, setting them down into a strainer bowl in the sink.

"A kind of heaven for people with dicks," I smirk, mischievously.

"Gross, forget I even asked." She scrunches her face in a displeased manner, rinsing the vegetables under the tap water.

Gemma shakes the strainer, shaking the water off the vegetables as best as she can. I resume chopping the carrots and form a pile. We are preparing pesto pasta and salad for dinner. I'm not much of a cook, more of a baker, but I do admit I was excited to see the final creation.

"Here are your veggies.." Gemma smiles obnoxiously in my face as she holds out the bowl for me.

"Veggies is such an ugly word." I shake my head, disapproving of that abbreviation.

I accept the bowl filled with chopped up lettuce, tomatoes, kale, and other essential ingredients for our salad. I mix all the vegetables, adding in the carrots. Then, twist the pepper shaker and add some shredded parmesan into the mix. The final touch is some balsamic dressing, which gives the assortment more flavour.

"Magnificént!" I try to mimic a French accent, doing the 'chefs kiss' that I always see in the movies.

"You only made a salad, relax." Gemma rolls her eyes at me.

"Don't devalue my contribution to this dinner." I frown sarcastically.

"My apologies." She holds her hands up in a joking manner. "I won't devalue your work."

I help Gemma out with the blender, mixing the ingredients to make our homemade pesto sauce. She stirs the pot of bowtie pasta, repeatedly assuring it didn't stick to the bottom.

Cherry; Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now