Chapter 2

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'I step out

and the demons

which they say appears when the light goes off,

comes back.

Its like its only me.

Only me that thinks out of the ozone.

I don't want what they want.

I want what they don't want.

I stand there


My soul aching to run home

But home is also where the demons reside.'


"Hey! Stop!"

I don't stop. I can go to The Snake alone. Yes I can. And I will. I'm not that of a weakling.

"Hey book girl! You think you can enter The Snake just like that?" And I stop.  

He comes around before me. "ID's not required." I say to him, hoping I sounded confident enough.

He holds his fist to his mouth, looks at the ground and stifles a laugh. "You need reference babe." It doesn't take me long to realize he is referring to himself.

I sigh, knowing my charade of an independent young girl has trashed to the gutter. After a few more seconds of decisiveness, I decide to give in.

One night of letting out your bold and crazy side won't do no harm.

"What about this?" I hold up the coffee for him to see.

"Well. If I'd known you had other plans, I wouldn't have gotten that." He comments.

"Dump it in there." He says after taking in my death glare toward him but still nonchalantly points to the trash can at the corner of the side-walk.

"Are you out of your mind?!" I frown and can't help but screech at his callousness.

"Its just coffee princess." He simply rolls his eyes. I shake my head at him and start scanning my surroundings. "You don't have beggars here do you?"

He bursts out laughing next to me. "If you're so concerned about your dear latte babe, let me help you with it. I'll give it to this old lady by Catherine's. Alright?"

"And anyway you need new clothes." He steps back and gives me a once over.

Right. I forgot what I am clad in right now. I wont be allowed in like this. And I'm not buying new clothes just for this. And I obviously wont let this stranger buy me clothes.

"Don't worry about clothes. I'll manage. I just need a place to change." I tell him confidently but my heart is sweating.

Am I sure I want to do this? And be a girl that guys love for this one night? I check my phone for any messages or missed calls. None.

"Jay's coffee shop's restroom." He shrugs.

"I'm not changing in a room where I might accidentally run into sticky gross matter." I scrunch my nose in disgust.

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