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Damian's POV

I texted my gay stud friend for the link. She told me she had everything handle and the way everything
was looking that it would go smoothly.
The raid in the house didn't go as smoothly as she made it sound so I hit her back up.
Me: yo what the fuck
Bro: listen shit got out of my control but I got it
Me: you said you had it last time fam wtf
Bro: I know I know but I got it this time.
Me: man don't fuck me up bro
Bro: chill out man it's handled this time I did it myself
Me: Ight bro
I was not looking to go back to jail again after doing five years.
My phone rung and I took it out my pocket answering.
"Yo." I said.
"It's done." The voice said.
I recognize who it was and quickly responded.
" I appreciate that. There was no trail right?" I asked.
"Do you think I'm a fucking amateur?" They asked sarcastically.
"That's so uncalled for. Bye." I said hanging up.
There's so much I wish I could just let go of but I can't.
I went downstairs of my house where I was hiding out in a deserted area.
I felt like I was really isolating myself from the world which technically I was but I didn't expect it to actually be this lonely.
I don't even get mail out here, that's how lonely it is.
I went to the kitchen got me a glass and poured some
Remy inside drinking sitting at the counter.
I seen something or someone speed past my kitchen window so I pulled my gun out cocking it back watching.
I watched the whole kitchen waiting for whatever or whoever it was to walk past again because we all know black people don't go outside for no shit like that.
I stood there for another ten minutes probably just acting paranoid as shit before I said fuck it and sat back down.
I wish there was so much I could do to change my
life around but I'm sure y'all have heard the
saying "love kills." If you haven't it means love can kill all. All is whatever you make it.
In my situation love doesn't get to kill because I stroke before she does.
I went back to my room and sat on my bed. I'm wanted in so many places and I left my friend alone in that house. That's when it hit me I need to get in contact with Ari.
We started texting off and on and she told me she had got hit but it wasn't too
bad and that she's at the hospital so she's alright.
I don't think I could've done without her
in all honesty.
She stopped texting me back after a while I don't understand why because
our conversation was going fine. I just hope she
doesn't let her nosey ass sister
pull up over here or find me somehow.
I started panicking and getting more nervous than I already was and started to get upset with myself punching and throwing things. I didn't even drink that much remy I'm just letting my anger get the best of me and even though that's not good to do I think it's the best option
for me so that I can learn how to control me anger
versus just going against the law
every other minute. I sat up looking in the mirror at myself hard even recognizing its me.
A text came across my phone and I looked down at my phone for a while
before opening and reading the text.
Unknown: let this be a lesson, stay away from Ari.
I would've texted back knowing me but I was too busy trying to map out who would
really be bold enough to send me a threat like that
and why would they even care unless it's
one of her sisters which I'm sure it's jada because she's the only one with a mouth
on her that nobody seems to like or get along with.
Instead of texting back I locked my phone and turned the shower on, getting out my clothes and getting in.
I had the water on the hottest it could go. I tried to soak out all the blood that was on my hands
metaphorically speaking. I washed my body off and got out grabbing my towel walked back got my room,
closed the door and got dressed.
I put my black tee on with some pajamas pants and
laid on my bed turning the tv on.
I didn't have no notifications from my phone so I
put it on DND.
I slouched down more into my bed or so and turned
Netflix scrolling through the movies,
shows, and other stuff they had up there.
I got tired of scrolling so I grabbed my bottle of water that was next to abs started to chug it.
I never knew water could taste so good to be honest.
I went to the kitchen grabbing another water bottle but someone was in my way. I reached for my gun
but it was in the clothes I had on before this.
I remembered that it had to be in
the clothes I just took off to take a shower which is
upstairs. I do not want to die like this.
This was not part of my scheme.
"You did this to yourself." They said as they walked
"Bro chill. I don't even know what you're talking about." I replied and I wasn't lying.
I was so confused on what was going on that I
started panicking again.
"Just shut up!" They said.
It sound like they had a female tone but the ski mask was covering the actual tone. I tried to make my way closer to snatch the ski mask but every move
I made she/he caught on. I was fucked.
I wish jada was here no lie.

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