Chapter Ten

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"Do you think that you are very noble and self-sacrificing by doing this?" His tone suddenly sharpened, "Cheng Yi Chen, so how did you planned on handling me? !"

"I ......"

"I can give up everything for you, and this is how you treat me? ! What exactly am I to you? You have to first consider your mom, then your brother, then Qin Lang, and then me? ! I certainly hold a very high status in your heart."

"I just don't want my mom to get too upset ......"

"You are afraid of making your mom sad, how about MY mom?" He glared at me with cold eyes, "Or did you think just because the relationship I have with my mom is somewhat estranged, it can be taken for granted that it would be easy for me to alienate myself from my family? Or did you think that you are the only one making sacrifices in this relationship?"

" ...... No ......"

"You contemplate so much for everyone, but when it comes to me, you would not even spare me a thought? Get married? ! Have you thought about how that will make me feel? What am I supposed to do? Wait for you to get a divorce? And if your mom does not allow you to divorce, then what? Have a surreptitious affair all our lives? How much further do you want me to step back? !"

" ........."

"Even if it means letting the whole world down, I will still choose to protect you, what about you? Why do you always choose to let me down?"

" ......... "

"If you want to show filial piety, then you better make sure you have nothing more to do with me! You want to have a wife and kid, you want to protect the lineage of your family, be a good brother, be a good obedient son, but still have an illicit sexual affair with a man, so basically you want to be a slut while wearing a mask of chastity." He laughed coldly, "You can't have a cake and eat it too. To be with you, I can forsake the whole Lu family, I can give up being the Lu young master, but you're even better, you can forsake me and throw me aside to marry someone ........."

Something occurred to him suddenly, and his smile twisted along with a note of sarcasm in his voice: "Or should I say, all these are mere excuses, could it be because I will not be the Lu young master anymore, that's why you ........."

I gaped at him in utter disbelief.

Spiraling out of control, his voice became impatient and rough, "What are you crying for! Am I wrong?"

"You are not wrong," my heart could have been broken in half by this point, yet I could not find the words to refute, "I am so despicable, so selfish, I am not worthy of your love, being with me means you have to give up so much, you don't deserve this, so let's just break up!" You should return to your glory and splendor, why forfeit that for someone like me.

"...... If you have the guts, say that again! !" His face turned a scary shade of red, his lips narrowed, "...... Beating about the bush, you are finally willing to come to the main point? !"

I did not expect him to stand up and give me a vicious kick on my back, I sprawled forward face down on the ground. Drawing back a foot, he slammed it onto my back, pressing it down: "Break up? ! At this time you are telling us to go our separate ways, ah? ! How many times have I warned you? Cheng Yi Chen, have I been doting on you too much that you have become so arrogant, have you forgotten what sort of person I am? I dare you to talk about breaking up again? ! !" He increased the strength of his knee, making me gasp in pain.

"Break up! ! I said I want a break up! !" The shock of the attack has stolen my breath, yet anger and pain has toughened my mouth, "I should have broken up with you long ago, I know what kind of person you are ...... don't think I am ignorant about your underhanded means of getting what you want. The chairman of Zhong Yang is forced to take his own life because of you; before the incident he went to you to beg for a way out, do you think I don't know about this ...... You are the one who forced him to his death, you ...... You are not able to show even a little mercy to a long-time partner, who am I in comparison? It's hard to guarantee you wouldn't just kick me aside, and turn a blind eye even if I am dying on the street ...... We might as well break off sooner, lest the next person to jump from the 28th floor is me, you ........"

A Round Trip to Love 2: Separate Routes Where stories live. Discover now