Chapter Three

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Next, we went to visit Yi Chen, me bubbling with excitement, him not so much. As soon as Yi Chen's eyes scanned the person behind me and identified it as Lu Feng, his warning signal 'Enemies Ahead' lit up, and he stood unbudging at the door for a good couple of minutes.

Lu Feng came prepared for this contingency, he dug out a CD 'Red' by the band X-Japan, and a debate in Yi Chen's head took place, his expressions visibly alternating between accepting and rejecting in the space of thirty seconds, finally settled for a truce, accepted the CD, and allowed him into his humble abode.

This brother of mine reminds me of my mother the most right now with the same incessant nagging – most likely the factor behind why my ear cavity is unable to grow hair. A peculiar Lu Feng was not only calm and collected, but seems to be secretly pleased. Perhaps those lengthy lectures of 'If you bully my brother I'll beat you up' not only holds no threatening value to him, but instead serves to assure Lu Feng that his status as a brother-in-law is basically secured.

To prove how stable our relationship is right now, he deliberately pulled me over when my guards were down, and demonstrated a long, fiery and passionate kiss with me to my brother.

I reciprocated his impulse with a smack across his cheek.

It must be the first time in all of Yi Chen's young life to witness such intense man on man action, so shocked was he that his eyes almost popped out of its sockets.

In all honesty, having behaved this way in front of my brother, I felt too disconcerted to stay on, it took all I have to not cover my face and run out of his place.

As for that guy, he wore a very satisfied smile for successfully pulling off such a stunt, following me around like an unshakable shadow.

"What's wrong, you are shy."

Not everyone is as thick-skinned as you.

Just being reminded of how I had to resist the hot hard thing between his thighs earlier in his firm embrace, is enough to make me want to stab him with a pair of scissors. This rutting bastard can be in heat under any circumstance, any time, any place, if it is not for the sound slap bringing him to his senses, I am not able to guarantee he would not stage an age-restricted show on the spot even if the house is filled with an audience.

"It's not a big deal, it is not as if he doesn't know."

Knowing and seeing are totally different matters ok.

"Aren't you going to admit that you had a reaction? It means you enjoyed it too."

React, reaction my ass! I do not know which training institution for kissing this guy attended, but not to mention women, even a man like me would get swept up in my own pleasure. The moment his lips touches mine, I am completely disarmed and at his mercy. Whether you intend to slap him or give him a black eye, you have little choice but to wait for the kiss to end, the world to stop spinning and your senses to return before you can proceed.


"Stop walking in such a hurry, even if you go any faster I can catch up with you easily, so you might as well take a slow walk with me."

Go and die.

I walk in a sullen mood, belatedly realizing that there was not half a human figure to be seen; only when cars of all makes and colors whistled past did I seemed to recall seeing a 'Pedestrian Restricted' sign earlier. We must have wandered off too far. At this hour, the beach patrol must have gone home, we should be safe from getting a ticket. A stroll along the seaside feels good.

"The sea looks really beautiful from this side." The man walking not far behind me said.

"That's because it is too dark to see all the rubbish strewn about." I said without any sentimentality. I have swam in these waters under my feet during my student years, I can say I had first hand experience with it, so naturally have the rights to testify to that statement.

"Is it just the two of us here?"

"Of course, this is a driveway, besides us who else would there be ......" It suddenly dawned on me that indeed, within the parameters of at least five hundred meters, besides the two of us and the occasional speeding vehicle, there will not be a third party. The night is quiet, a lone man with another lone man on the same bridge, nothing but the big blue sea under us, surrounding us, the sky is high the land is far, no humans or deities can hear you, no amount of screaming can save you ........

I shivered in the cold and rubbed my arms to get rid of the goosebumps, feeling so awkward I dared not look at Lu Feng, and suddenly picked up the pace.

Lu Feng laughed mockingly at me from behind, "Hey, why do you look so afraid?"

You, you stop laughing so lecherously, this is after all a public venue, there might be CCTVs around, surely you are not so audacious as to commit evil acts here?

Sure enough, I got away with two steps before he caught up to me, pushing me against the guard rail.

"You went out of line, you dare to hit me." He lowered his voice against my ear, while roughly pulling my shirt out of my long pants and sending a vicious bite down on my neck.

I was twisting and resisting in his arms, I have to attend the gathering tomorrow, the last thing I want is to parade myself with hickeys all over my body: "You, if you carry on like this I am going to scream! !" In broad daylight ( ? ) committing sexual assault, this guy is really morally depraved.

"Come on, scream."

Despicable, where do you think you are touching? ! !

Where are all the patrol guys? Please make one appear right now, I do not even mind paying a fine.

If it is not because of those timely sneezes from being exposed atop this bridge, I am afraid he would have really seen the deed through to the end.

When the capricious side of Lu Feng unveils, lawlessness becomes him, and morality is cast aside. Yet at crucial moments he would actually pull on the brakes for me because he is afraid I will catch a cold, so no matter how abominable he may be at times, in my eyes he is still very adorable.

Last month, Zhong Yang Enterprise went bankrupt, its chairman resorted to taking his own life by jumping off the 28th floor. Zhong Yang used to be our long-time business partner, even though it was showing signs of crumbling, but being an old established company it was able to hang on like a hundred foot-long worm twitching but not yet stiff, so for it to be pushed off the edge this way took everyone by surprise. No one can say with conviction the exact details of what led to its downfall, merely speculations aplenty. However, what was certain is that the company's demise benefited us greatly, even though we did not expect to gain such an upper hand riding on the back of misfortune. Success came from a chilling outcome, but everyone could not help but cheer.

During the celebratory party, Zhu Sha discreetly told me that the boss is a scary person, and reminded me to be careful.

I never truly believed there are good reasons to fear him. The Lu Feng in my eyes is merely just a little bull-headed, a little lacking in virtuous speech, and a little stubborn, but ultimately a warm person deep in his bones. He is like a paper tiger with teeth that does not bite.

If love does not make you blind, then it is not love. So I might as well be deaf and mute too. This stubborn perception is the reason why many years later, standing in front of him, I could not recognize him anymore.

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