silence is not surrender

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I'm not ashamed of being Christian.

I'm really not.

Just because I don't entertain the words you choose to attack me with

Does not mean I'm letting you win,

But rather,

I'm letting the devil know he's lost,

And that whatever twisted thoughts he's put into your mind

That you've chosen to take and use as weapons,

Will not break my Faith.

It only proves how much more JESUS is on my side

And fights for me.

My GOD is a mighty force whose love and mercy knows no bounds.

HE loves you too. 

So I choose not to let my emotions overpower me

But instead,

To let the peace of JESUS that surpasses all understanding flow within me,

So that you may see it

And know that because HE loves you,

I love you also,

So I will not hurt you,

No matter how much you hurt me.

That is the way JESUS wants us to live.


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