dream collector

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I have many a dream,

Sometimes too many to count.

I save them all for a rainy day

In the pockets of my favourite hoodie.

They lie and wait

For when I get tired of living the 'bigger' dream,

The more 'realistic' dream,

So I can take them out and look at them

Imagine a different kind of life

Wish and pray for it to happen someday

Before I fold them neatly and place them back where they belong

In my pockets.

Close by to keep me dreaming,

But far enough that I won't act on it without thinking.


One day they'll overfill my pockets.

That day when there's also a little capital to back them up,

And I've lived out most of my 'ideal' dream,

I won't hold back.

I'll take each one and try to make it a reality.



It's a good thing to have many a dream.

They teach you that life I more than just colouring within the lines,

It's about drawing your own picture outside of them


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