Chapter 6

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Endless rain kept pouring down on republic city since that fateful night. The Nightmares that kept haunting Korra for many months has begun to seep in to reality. She always feared that the dark times will come and overshadow their lives. What she predicted was right... It came sooner than she thought and the young avatar was not ready for it...

The very next day the news has reached the public like dry leaves catching fire. The local newspapers have carried the whole incident to the public with detailed photographs and no proper explanation. Some newspapers came with headlines such as "Avatar Korra goes on a killing spree" while others came up with their own ideas like "Blood Bending Avatar Korra demonstrates her power in republic city" and "True faces of Avatar". Truth is that No one really knew what has happened that night.

Who the masked men were and why did they attack Asami and Korra getting Asami Severely wounded?

What really triggered Korra to such a violent rage...?

So many unanswered questions left to be answered.

The whole incident has completely changed the public image of avatar making Citizens of the republic city to question the governing authorities about their safety.

 "Is the world really safe because of avatar?" and "Does the world still needs an Avatar?"

Following Night
Republic City Hospital Intensive Care Unit

Mako kept on starring at Asami for past fifteen minutes straight through the glass in her room. A million thoughts crosses his mind as he kept starring at Asami fighting for her life in the intensive care. He heard the footsteps approaching him and he turned to see who it is. It is Bolin coming toward him with two cups of coffee in his hands.

"Mako.... Here's your cofee..." said Bolin. Mako silently took it from him.

"What did the doctors say...?" asked Bolin rubbing the back of his neck.

"She's in a coma, she went through two surgeries for past twenty four hours. They say they cannot guarantee anything" said Mako looking down.

"What do you mean they can't guarantee anything..?" asked Bolin making his eyes bigger.

"She had internal bleedings, two gun shots reaching the vitals, nerve damage and severe concussion. That's why there is no guarantee of recovery" said Mako with a deep sigh. Bolin pats on Mako's shoulder.

"I know it is hard, I myself couldn't believe the things that are happening to us right now. You did everything you could. There is nothing else to be done. You should head back home now. Go on and take care of yourself; have some sleep" said Bolin.

"How can you expect me to sleep in a time like this?" asked Mako with an annoyed tone.

"I'll stay here... You can go brother... It is not your fault that she's in a state like this" Said Bolin.

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is... What matters now is she's in that room fighting for her life" said Mako rubbing his forehead.

"Alright... I am sorry Bolin, raising my voice at you, I'll return tomorrow morning" said Mako preparing to walk away.

"That's alright Mako... I understand how you feel, I feel the same too" said Bolin.

"Has Lin told you anything about Korra...? She's not in this hospital. We really don't know where she is..." asked Bolin when Mako is just about to leave. Mako turned back at him and said

"They have taken her somewhere and that's all I know, Lin didn't tell me anything"

"We need to find out what's happening to her, we can't just leave her behind..." said Bolin making his eyes bigger.

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