Chapter 5

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My Dear Reader..!

I just want to say "Thank You" for all your encouragement which has bought me this far. Thank you all for baring with my short comings and yet kept on encouraging me to be better and go further. I wouldn't have come this far without you my dear readers. Thank you for all your valued time reading my fanfiction, thank you for all the votes i have recieved. * HUGS *

My special thank goes to

"LaurisLeguzamo" of wattpad. Thank you friend... for encouraging me to write further and getting through all my shortcomings yet had courage to appreciate my work. Thank you, without you, I wouldn't have come this far.

TuAutemCumDeamonia of deviant art, Thank you for letting me use your artwork as my cover art.
Admin of korrasami page in facebook, Thank you all for your encouragement as well.


Some say life is beautiful while the others say it is ugly, It's hard to disagree or agree with any of those statements because it never stays the same, it is like leaping waves in the sea, sometimes they are rough and violent and sometimes they are calm and soothing. Only thing that could be agreed upon is the uncertainty of life, it doesn't matter whether we like it or not, we all have to accept what life gives us...

Few weeks have gone by... for Asami and korra life has become simply beautiful for them. Love and laughter greeted them in every corner of their lives. Korra felt as if this is the summer of her life and she wanted it to last forever.  All the frustration, anxiety and nightmares which she was battling for past few months has begun to fade away. Korra has found what she was looking for in Asami, the unconditional love which has no limits or boundaries. She simply needed to love and be loved. As for Asami she never even dreamt of falling in love with korra when they first met, but life is full of unexpected surprises...

The stormy weather has taken a long hiatus in the republic city. It is a beautiful evening today with sun is about to set in the horizon creating a yellowish orange tint in the sky.

"ASAMI..." Korra waved at Asami running towards the beach house. Asami is standing on the front porch with a smiley face. Her hair blows with the sea breeze as she kept starring at the avatar running towards her. "Isn't it a beautiful evening?" said Korra grabbing Asami's hand as she stepped up on the front porch. "It is beautiful as long as it has you..." said Asami pulling korra closer to her, korra wrapped her arms around Asami and moved for a kiss smiling at her. "I am dirty and sweaty..." she whispered nuzzling Asami's face. "You don't call it dirty and sweaty my love... you call it "Salty" she said kissing korra on her lips playfully. Korra moved her hands on Asami as they kept on kissing as she touched Asami just below her ribs she twitched suddenly in pain. Korra moved back looking at her face Asami looked down. "ASAMI...?" korra rushed as Asami held her lower rib panting in pain. "ASAMI...? Oh my god" korra panicked for Asami's sudden reaction. She closed her eyes holding on to herself looking down as she pulled the outdoor chair to sit. Korra kneeled beside her trying to take a peek of her face. "ASAMI, For heaven's sake talk to me" korra's eyes filled with tears, and she's forcing Asami to speak up. "... It's alright love..."Said Asami wanting to calm korra down. "no it's not alright.. you're in pain and What.... Wha ..... what's happening to you" said korra in a very uneasy tone. Asami leaned back on the chair holding on to her lower left rib and her face clearly express the pain she is enduring right now. She felt as if she is going to pass out in pain. "...Baby... let me have a look" said Korra wanting to see what's wrong with her. She quickly unzipped her jacket and carefully rolled up the white singlet. It slowly revealed a purple gash on her lower rib. "Oh God... baby, how could this happen to you..." said Korra laying her hands on her injury. The whole area lit up with glowing blue as she applies the healing power on to her. Korra kept her eyes closed focusing all her energy on healing Asami. In few minutes the injury healed.

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