Chapter 11

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Back from the long dead silence...

Hi everybody... I finally manage to complete the chapter I've been working on. Yes it was delayed because of the issues I had to deal with my life. But however it is done now and I ran over it for errors and fixed them as much as I could, but I am sure it still contains plenty.

If you are bored of this chapter or feel like it's not good, you can skip it easily because it contains nothing of super importance to the main story. I just wanted to write couple of easy going chapters until the next big thing in the story.

If you come across errors and you think they seriously needs a fixing, just "PM" me so I can fix it.

For those who like to read anything that I write, this is for you so I hope you enjoy.

Take Care

Zaheer kept steering the speed boat while others stay at the back. They are out of danger now and gone far away from the shores of Republic city. Asami looked back and saw Jinora has already fallen asleep on the back seat. Korra still kept holding on to Asami's hand since the moment they got on to the boat.

"Korra...?" said Asami in a very slow tone.

Korra looked at her and smiled. Asami's mind is filled with so many questions which she wants to ask from Korra.

"Korra... get me the map, I need to get exact coordinates because we are about to reach the sea..." said Zaheer gaining her attention. Korra got off the seat and walked up toward Zaheer to aid him with the map and co-ordinates.

Asami looked back again at Jinora and smiled for the way she sleeps. She grabbed one of the rolled up blankets from the boat and covered Jinora because the wind is too cold and strong. In few minutes time the river has come to an end and they reached the waters of the sea. The wind has become colder and stronger yet Zaheer kept going on the boat against the raging waves of the sea. For many hours they were on the speedboat riding across the rough sea. Even though Asami and Korra had so much to ask from each other they kept quiet. Korra has fallen asleep resting her head on Asami's lap and Asami has fallen asleep leaning against the seat.

Zaheer steered the speedboat all night long and at the break of dawn they have reached their destination. Along with the rising sun an island has appeared in the far end of the horizon surrounded by the rough seas. Zaheer smiled from the corner of his mouth as he saw the island closing in from the horizon. Asami woke up from her sleep and caressed Korra's head gently wanting her to wake up. Korra opened her eyes with a long yawn. She got off the seat and walked toward Zaheer who is still on the steering.

"Where are we...?" Korra asked in a sleepy tone.

"We are almost there... you can see the black island now" said Zaheer in a calmed tone pointing out the island in the horizon. Korra felt sorry as she realized that Zaheer had steered the boat all night long even with his ill health.

"What is the black island...? I thought we are going to cross the city limits from the sea and get off somewhere safe" said Korra rubbing her eyes.

"I have a safer location than the mainland..." said Zaheer briefly.

Korra kept going through the map and looked back at Zaheer.

"We are far from the mainland already... This is the devil's sea also known as the roughest sea in all of oceans" said Korra in a concerned tone.

"We will be safe at the "Lair of the blood dragon", it belongs to me. Since red lotus doesn't operate or exist anymore, there is nobody there. That will be the safest place for us now" said Zaheer.

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