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I set out early in the morning

With the voice of my mother ringing in my head

"My child you will be safe, all you have to do is follow the straight path"

I walk about 5miles

Before coming across a beautiful field made of wool

Yeah wool

Of course I had to check it out

So I moved off the path

Jumped over the small field gates

And then into the field


My leg caught a wool and got tangled

In the process of trying to use my hands the same thing happened

In a minute I was tired and frustrated

Then I realised the more I struggled the closer I got to the bush of thorns nearby

The tip of my nose was practically touching the thorn

Then I realised

If I had not wandered off the straight path

I would not be in this mess

All I could do was silently cry and beg my mom for forgiveness

Even though I believed she could not hear me

Like a flash of lightening

My mom was beside me and carefully freeing me from my entanglement

She then took me home

Bathe me

And made me a delicious meal

While telling me

"It's alright, you can always start the journey again"

I look at her with amazement in my eyes

But what can I say

That's just the way my mother is.


That's the same way our God is. He will let you go on ur way but will give you guides and instructions (the bible) on how to get there. As long as you follow these instructions you will be safe, but once you wonder off, danger comes claiming what is his. But always remember no matter how far you have wandered or how deep you might be in sin, once you have seen the errors in your way and repent by asking God for forgiveness, He helps right away and makes you brand new.

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