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I have passed by that road

A million times I have passed that very shop

But today something caught my eyes

My guilty pleasure.

Was it the manner of arrangement

Or was it just my brain

Acknowledging something beautiful

Making me take a bold step

Towards the shop.

The sales woman looked so pretty

Her hair was perfection

Her clothes were of quality material

Then I looked at her feet

Out of habit

And was taken aback by what I saw.

Her feet were covered

In tiny fragments of brown they were buried

Birth marks perhaps?

Curiosity takes me a step closer

NO.... that is mud

It seemed to have been there all day

Why would she not indulge in what she sells?

Was what came to mind

Or is there more to the shoes?

She looked at me with expectant eyes

But how did she expect me to patronize her

Wouldn't it be found ironic

That I bought shoes 

From a shoeless shoe seller.

Ok people,  please leave comments so I can know if you like the things i have written so far, what I am doing wrong and what I should change, and please vote for me if you like them. Also, a big thank you to all those who have read my works and voted for me.

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