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Clementine looked back to Lily, concerned. Lily met her gaze and shook her head.

"Clem, no. I know what you're thinking. Do not do it." Lily spoke and Clementine began walking. Following the group of people back to where the war was taking place.

"Clementine! Do not go with those people. They're dangerous." But Clem ignored her. She just wanted to go back and save her friends.

Lily eventually sighed and caught up to the brunette and remained behind her. Clementine watched as Carver and his men followed the dirt path road to where the Delta's base was located.

It was a predicament that she wished was never sought onto the girl's life.

Somehow Clementine placed her vision onto her hand. Looking at the missing ring finger on her left hand.

A stroke of misfortune guiding them as Clem can here a parade of gunshots. It was something she expected to hear but not so early. Her facial features turned cold as she looked back to where Lily walked behind her.

"I should've known you'd drag me back up here," Lily said, Clementine furrowing her eyebrows.

"You didn't have to come. You could've left." Clementine told the older woman. Receiving a long sigh.

"Okay, team. Here's how we do this." Carver said to the whole group of people. "Here's a lesson. Don't shoot unless you are certain you see a brand on them. It should look like the number 76."

Clementine stopped suddenly before meeting eyes with an animal. It's eyes attached to the scene as it's skinny body hunched and stayed back. She was able to make out it was a dog. Clementine felt bad for the thing but had no time to interact with it as Carver's group began jogging towards the battle up ahead.

The brunette and her temporary protector run after the group as they entered the arena with the two groups fighting each other. A new team entering the fight.

"We need to find the others. Will you help me?" Clementine asked Lily. Followed by a nod as Lily grabbed her gun. Noticing Clementine was defenseless, she handed the weapon to her.

"No. I... I can't." Clementine said as she looked away.

"As much as I hate to say it Clem, this is going to be the only time where you'll need a gun to protect yourself. I'm not saying go out guns blazing, just when someone threatens your life do you pull the trigger." Lily explains. Placing the gun in Clem's hand and interlacing her fingers over it.

"Fine. For protection." Clementine said, holding the pistol as she began walking. Lily walked in the opposite direction.

The brunette looked around, making sure to check downed bodies in case... Don't think about that, Clem. She thought to herself.

She catches her eye on a car that hurdles her way. It barely missed and kept barreling away. Clementine looked at the hurried car and sighed annoyingly.

She keeps looking for her friends, checking every nook and cranny. Before a guy tackles her quickly. Clementine fighting the man and pinning him to the ground. She then takes hold of her gun and looks at him.

"Wait!" He screams. It was that same boy that Javi had pried the gun from. The gun that didn't work.

"Where's Violet?" Clementine asked furiously.

"I don't know who you're talking about!" The boy answered.

"Don't lie to me, shitbird! Tell me right now!" Clementine yelled, getting more agitated.

"I swear, I don't know." The boy cried. Clementine saw what she was doing and shook the feeling away.

"I'm sorry." She said before pistol-whipping the boy. Knocking the guy unconscious.

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